Ep. 7 – AI – The Shift Part I


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. I am your host, Michael Abernanthy. And welcome to 5 Minute Rants guys, where we talk about topics for a whole entire five minutes. We cover topics about business life, about the journey, helping you move forward.

So today, for all the things I want to talk about, I actually want to talk about the upcoming shift. And it’s not even really upcoming. It’s what we’re currently in right now. I’m not the first one to talk about this stuff, we’re actually going to talk about AI and the change in technology and what it’s doing to us as a society and culture and what to expect. And I think it’s really important, because it is going to change us in a whole new way very different than the internet did. Back in the early 2000s. With social with a lot of the things that happen there, it’s going to be even bigger and more massive.

I really believe this that AI, and what is happening is going to be just as world changing as the Industrial Revolution even more so. It is going to be bigger than the printing press, and the spreading of ideas that way, because of the capabilities behind what is happening.

And so as a company, we actually, you know, one of my companies actually uses AI, and artificial intelligence. And it has actually replaced positions and jobs. And so I think the biggest thing to talk about, and the biggest thing to think about when going through AI is one, what’s going to happen is the technical work is going to go away. The execution of things is going to go away. That’s okay. It doesn’t mean that the world is coming to an end. Normally, when something new gets introduced, we think that things are going to come to an end or life as we know it has stopped. That’s not what’s happening.

What is going to happen is this, there’s going to be a shift of priorities, there’s going to be a shift of work, there’s already a major shift in the digital realm, and a major shift in the digital realm of work. Because of what AI is doing. So AI is taking away technical work. So for instance, if you look at chat GPT, I’m going to use that one because a lot of people know it, we actually use AI that is outside of chat GPT in different ways in different areas. But the biggest thing is is chat GPT. And what it is doing is it is taking away the ability in the technical work of copywriting. And we’ll just go from that sense it does more than that.

But there’s no longer a need for somebody to know grammar super well, for somebody to be able to research to come up with topics, it reads the internet, okay. It understands it gathers its sources from the internet. And so what is happening is, the primary thing that is becoming important to do is actually becoming the person who is running the AI, the person of ideation, because AI is not going to create ideas. AI is predicated on looking on the past, it is where it goes out and grabs information, it grabs other information that’s already existing, other ideas that have already existed. It doesn’t create anything. And then it compiles that to produce something.

What AI does not do currently is look into the future, and have its own process of ideation and its own process of thought. And so what we’re going to watch over the next year to two years, is the importance of ideation, creativity, and thought to drive the AI, to drive the tool to produce the technical work. What this means is that jobs are radically going to change.

We were talking to a company. They’re a good friend of ours, really close family, they introduced AI, and it replaced about 10 accounting jobs within their business, you think about that. And so that stuff is coming, the technical work the inputs, the manual inputs, especially in the digital realm, AI is going to impact computers first, radically computer jobs, the digital realm radically.

And the point I’m trying to make is not to be afraid of it. But this is one of the main reasons why this podcast exist. This is one of the main reasons why I’m talking is because of the need for growth and improvement we got to change and that’s the truth about what is happening. Change is so important. And now you can either change personally, and you can change individually or you can be forced to change and many of us in this change with AI will either go ahead and make the decision to change or change be forced on us.

And so I would like to continue this topic in future episodes. We’ll talk more that’s it for today guys peace!

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