Ep. 43 – Building With or Without Purpose With Andrew Edwards


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:08
What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys. Welcome to 5 Minute Rants. Real quick, I just want to say thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for being a part of the journey. And for all your support. I really appreciate y’all just listening and taking my two cents for whatever they’re worth. So today I’ve got a special guest, Andrew Edwards, everybody. What’s up, bro?

Andrew Edwards 0:33
Hey, man, thanks for having me.

Michael Abernathy 0:35
So everybody Andrew and I, we’re talking earlier about this concept that we’re always constantly building, creating and sending messages. And I thought it was worthwhile for him to jump on the podcast and talk about that.

Andrew Edwards 0:48
Yeah, absolutely. So just gonna jump straight in. So looking at our journey, we’ve built a lot of stuff. Michael and I in our business partnership, we just build stuff and realizing that’s what everyone does. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or whatever, you build stuff, and you communicate constantly, it’s just part of everyday life. And thinking about as we build things over the past, I’ve built a lot of stuff that was really broken and didn’t serve a purpose that had any lasting positive impact. And we call that fixing. So you can think about it, if somebody has a terrible sickness, and the doctor puts a bandaid on him, instead of offering and electing for them to have surgery, that would be a quick fix just a band aid. It might look better and feel better for the moment, but it’s not an actual solution. So to preface that, Michael and I were talking today about a past client and job where I really failed and I really fixed. I didn’t build or create anything lasting for us, I just was in technician mode and did the work. And realizing I was just fixing I didn’t create an offering. So we’ve gone through this journey for a while and really realizing, if we’re not working on the business and we’re just working in the business, we’re not moving forward. We’re not building or creating anything that’s long lasting, aka an offering or a system of solutions where the business can propel itself forward with momentum. And we get stuck in this cycle of technician quick fixing work. And there’s no replication there’s no DNA of replication, just like how DNA replicates itself. And so we just get stunted and stuck. And a lot of the reason we’ve ever done that, and I’ll stop talking in just a moment. A lot of the reason we’ve ever done that, and I’ve done that so much is because I just want to be right. I just want to be right. That’s it. I want to be right. So I if I’m wrong, we build an offering. If I’m right, I’m fixing, you know, and that’s that’s kind of the pattern over and over.

That makes sense. And to summarize, bro, and you can correct me, no matter what we’re doing. We’re constantly building.


Michael Abernathy 0:56
Whether it’s fixing, a quick fix to just put out a fire, or we’re actually building with purpose and something that actually prevents fires.

Andrew Edwards 3:15

Michael Abernathy 3:16
And then the other thing you’re saying that is if I’m if I want to be right, I’ll fix and I’ll be the superhero.

Andrew Edwards 3:22

Michael Abernathy 3:23
And then if I’m willing to be wrong, I’ll actually build something with purpose.

Andrew Edwards 3:27

Michael Abernathy 3:29
Could you, would you even say that purpose exposes where you’re wrong, and executing against purpose to build?

Andrew Edwards 3:35
I agree, I think you can’t have purpose without being wrong and being exposed. And I agree with that. You have to… Yeah, I agree with that.

Michael Abernathy 3:39
So in order to actually really build and create value, there is a requirement of humility to a certain extent and degree in order to do that. Would you agree with that?


Anything you would want to add to that?

Andrew Edwards 3:58
I think you can see examples of things like you know, I look at look at my own life, like that example I gave was pretty much that where I didn’t move us forward. And you can kind of look, if you look over time and space, for your family, or your business or anything you’re trying to lead or or move forward in life. You can look at it long term and say, why aren’t we moving forward? Oh, I’m fixing.

Michael Abernathy 4:26
Oh, that makes sense. So you can actually measure fixing by progression. It’s interesting because I just talked with somebody the other day about how businesses grow slowly and die slowly. You and I actually talked about that this morning in a meeting and how businesses die slowly, and they grow slowly. And it’s interesting that you bring this up because fixing seems to be something that is not going to be immediately seen.

Andrew Edwards 4:52
Yes, I agree.

Michael Abernathy 4:54
Cool. Well, any last golden nugget? We really only got three seconds.

Andrew Edwards 4:58
Thanks for listening. Y’all are awesome.

Michael Abernathy 5:00
Hey guys, if you find it so generously kind in your heart to maybe share this with somebody you think might find this valuable, I would really appreciate it. I’ll talk to y’all later. Peace!

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