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Ep. 365 – Building Long Term. A Few Practicals

The importance of creating long-term plans in business.
Ep. 362 – Open vs Quietly

Create a culture where people feel comfortable openly admitting mistakes they have made rather than hiding them.
Ep. 358 – How To Have Buy In

Michael outlines the steps of the buy-in process and it’s importance in life and business.
Ep. 355 – The Value Exchange, Life and Business 101

The importance to understand what people find valuable in order to succeed in business and life.
Ep. 348 – The Flow

The importance of finding what are the constraints within your company that can hinder team workflow and overall performance.
Ep. 347 – Be a Guide, Not a Savior

Leaders focus on guiding rather than fixing, resulting in healthier relationships and more productive outcomes.
Ep. 344 – Make It Practical

The importance of having a clear vision and long-term goals for a business—breaking them down into manageable parts and effectively communicating them to the team.
Ep. 343 – Order Makes It Usable

Order and structure are crucial for productivity and a successful business.
Ep. 342 – When You Don’t Want To Do It, How Do You Do It?

Building momentum by breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
Ep. 340 – Celebrating Creativity

Leaders should encourage and celebrate creativity in their teams to foster personal and company growth.
Ep. 334 – Focus On The People

If you want to be successful in business, begin focusing on and valuing people.
Ep. 333 – Self Worth Shouldn’t Equal Pricing

How to avoid undervaluing your work and sabotaging yourself in business.