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Ep. 513 – Character

Takeaways: -Character is who you are when no one is watching. -Self-discipline is crucial for personal accountability. -The higher your freedom, the more self-discipline is required. -Keeping promises to yourself builds trust. -Imposter syndrome stems from a disconnect in character.
Ep. 509 – The Force of Change

Takeaways: -Being a force of change is a personal responsibility. -Fear of rejection can be crippling but should not hold you back. -You can create change in environments that seem stagnant. -Courage and humility are essential for personal growth. -Your influence can either maintain the status quo or drive change. -Life is more fulfilling when you take risks for positive impact. -Everyone has the potential to make a difference.
Ep. 503 – Defining Practice

Takeaways: -Practice is about improving specific skill sets or habits. -True practice involves identifying and addressing weaknesses. -Repetition of enjoyable tasks is not genuine practice. -Setting measurable goals is crucial for effective practice. -Practice should lead to positive momentum and forward movement. -Regular assessment against standards is necessary for progress.
Ep. 498 – You Are The Only Person That Can Tell You No

Takeaways: – Self-discipline is essential for personal growth. – Saying no to things helps you focus on your goals. – You treat others the way you treat yourself. – Saying no allows you to move forward more quickly.
Ep. 497 – Got Feedback

Takeaways: – Feedback is essential for learning and growth. – Being wrong is part of the learning process. – People often resist being wrong, hindering growth. – Humility is key to accepting feedback.
Ep. 483 – Procrastination: Pressure vs. Self-Discipline

The daily battle between having self-discipline to do tasks in the moment versus allowing pressure to build up by procrastinating.
Ep. 472 – Who Are You?

Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and work on improving in the areas where you are not as strong.
Ep. 469 – Looking From The Outside In

If you do not have the humility to listen and to receive criticism, you’re not going to improve.
Ep. 456 – Running Your Offense

Focus on the controllable aspects of your life rather than what’s outside your control.
Ep. 455 – Everything You Need To Start

Begin your journey with what you have available now, take action.
Ep. 452 – More To Life Than A Yacht

Pause and reflect on what truly matters to you, beyond external markers of success.
Ep. 439 – Facts, Truth, and Other People Can’t Change What You Believe. Only You Can!

The role of humility, honesty and self-belief to overcome self-doubt and failure.