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Ep. 167 – Motivation

The importance of discipline to create consistency in your life and achieve your goals.
Ep. 165 – The Law of Compounding

You either compound small wins that lead to growth and long-term success or unintended consequences that can hinder progress.
Ep. 164 – The Worst Person To Lie To Is Yourself

Michael discuss the dangers and consequences of lying to oneself in life and business.
Ep. 163 – If It’s Not Working…

Problem-solving requires understanding how the problem is designed to be solved, not how we want to solve it.
Ep. 162 – Doing Without Reflection and Learning is Insanity

The importance of self-reflection and learning from others’ experiences to move forward in life and business.
EP. 161 – The Importance of Making A Decision with CJ Anderson

Michael and CJ Anderson discuss entrepreneurship and making decisions for your business based on what you want.
Ep. 160 – Decisions Are About What Not To Do

The importance of exploration and risk-taking in decision-making.
Ep. 159 – Want vs. Need

Distinguishing between wants and needs in decision making can lead to better outcomes in life and business.
Ep. 158 – Judging A Problem By Its Cover

Michael’s outlook on problem-solving and seeing problems as opportunities for growth and change.
Ep. 157 – Overcoming Emotional Resistance

Overcoming emotional resistance to doing what needs to be done in life and business.
Ep. 156 – Who Am I Accountable To?

Prevent recurring problems by having self-accountability and believing in yourself.
Ep. 155 – Don’t Let Them Take Your Pack

The importance of bearing one’s own burdens in life and business.