Ep. 308 – Building Out The Plan To Get Out

Have a plan for how to get out of doing the work that you don’t want to do.
Ep. 271 – If I’m The Solution Then They Are The Problem

Viewing oneself as a solution and a lack of clear processes can lead to a toxic work culture.
Ep. 269 – Where Do You Apply Leverage

Leaders must learn how to prioritize and allocate resources to address urgent issues while also working on long-term improvements.
Ep. 264 – Healthy Teams…

Michael discusses what it means to have a healthy team.
Ep. 260 – Keep It Clean

Chaos hinders creativity and productivity, but organization and cleanliness can improve work efficiency and move a company forward.
Ep. 258 – Three Types of Outcomes – Addition | Multiplication | Exponential

Michael discusses the limitations of the 3 outcomes of work: addition, multiplication, and exponential.
Ep. 194 – Buying Yourself Work

In life, it’s important to measure the cost required to move forward in any direction. Our decisions to agree to fulfill a course of action require an exchange of time and work from us.  We actually pay money to buy work for ourselves. 
Ep. 193 – Three Ways To Think And Act

The three approaches to work are entrepreneurial, managerial and technical. It’s important in life and business to know which mindset and actions you’re currently taking and which ones you currently need.
Ep. 31 – The Right Work

Sometimes when we are challenged or stuck, it’s not so much that we can’t overcome, its finding the work. The impossible only seems impossible.
Ep. 24 – Creation v. AI

AI is not coming, it is here. We will see a massive shift in the digital industries. Ideation, Creating, and Vision are more important. Steam tractor vs mule.
Ep. 22 – The Most Important Ingredient For Startups – Robert Hays

What is the most important ingredient for success to have as a founder of a start up?
Ep. 12 – Ship It

You will never figure it out if you don’t just ship it. All your plans are just theory until you test them and try them. Business is just like science.