Ep. 41 – Core Beliefs


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m. Welcome to 5 Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for tuning in guys, I really appreciate it. Alright, everybody let me jump straight on into this.

So I think this is a really important topic for today, I want to talk about belief. And I really believe this is vital to whatever you’re doing. Because if you don’t believe in yourself, you don’t have buy-in to what you’re doing, and it’s going to break, right? So you don’t believe you can be a good parent? Well, that’s actually what’s going to happen. You don’t believe that you can run a team, or you can handle the load at work with whatever’s happening, that’s what’s going to happen.

There’s a good saying that says, As a man thinks so is he. So if you think all this stuff, that’s who you are. And if you can actually take a moment and pause and really, look and listen to yourself and your thoughts, you’ll find out what you believe. You’ll find out what’s in your heart, and you’ll find out what you believe. And then you can make different decisions.

Okay, let me go into this a little bit. When my when my business partner, I first started, we didn’t have any experience of corporate, we didn’t have any of the training, we didn’t have anybody to copy, we jumped straight into this. And one of the things that we had a hard time believing in was that we actually did work that was worth the money. Okay. There was some worthlessness that both him and I had in our hearts, and we didn’t believe in ourselves. And we didn’t believe that we were worth the money that we were charging, because we didn’t have, quote, unquote, the experience, or we didn’t have all of the technical training and knowledge that we should have, that somebody who’s been in the field for 20 years would have.

And now looking back, it was that was one of the best things that ever happened to us that problem in our life was one of the best problems that ever showed up. And problems are great thing, by the way. And we’ll we’ll talk about that later. But it was one of the best problems to ever show up in our life, because it really led us down this path of “no,” we are worth the money. And oh, we we don’t believe in ourselves. So why would somebody else trust us? And why would they believe in us? If we don’t, and that was awesome.

So in the struggle of are we going to charge $150 for development work or not? Per hour. And looking up, it’s like wow, that’s average price for development, and all these other things. And we did not believe in ourselves when we first started. As a result it caused issues. It caused issues with billing, a caused issues with well, if you have trouble billing, you can imagine cash flow, payroll, so many other things, right. It caused issues with sales.

But it wasn’t the money that was the problem. It was my belief that I didn’t think I was worth it. It was my belief that we weren’t good enough, it was my belief that we would never be good enough. And those things driving it. And that’s what caused all the issues. And so I’m saying this because you don’t have to go through what I I’ve gone through. I’ve got a Harvard degree in stupidity, I’ll teach you everything not to do if you really want to learn.

And, part of that is not doing this, like really, if you are going to start something no matter what it is, a company, a business, if you’re going to start something new, a new hobby, or whatever it is, believe in yourself. Don’t expect yourself to be great, nobody’s ever great at anything, when they first try. Even if you’re a natural at it, you still have a lot of room to grow and change. There’s a difference between that and believing in yourself. Believing in yourself that you can do it that you are capable of it is one of the most profound things you can do.

And it gets said so much because it’s so simple. But it seems to me that the simple things in life are some of the most profound and powerful things in life, and can change your life the most. And so really stopping to self assess, and look at yourself and be like what do I believe? Am I, do I really think I’m worth the money? Oh, no, I really don’t and then owning that.

Like, ownership majorly comes into this and none of your belief sets are going to change, none of your thoughts are going to change without ownership at all. But going back to that belief in your heart, whatever you believe, is really what’s going to happen according to your faith so be it unto you. As a man thinketh so is he.

Those things really have a profound effect on your world. And they had a profound effect on ours. And the more that we believe are worth money, the more that everything has changed in the more and it’s interesting because the better work we’ve actually done, and the better everything has improved. And now it’s not even a question of whether we’re worth the money or not. And so I think this is just really important. And it’s something for everybody to really understand is your core beliefs are going to have a dramatic impact on who you are as a person and as a result of whatever you’re doing

Anyways guys, I’m over and I’ll catch you later. Have a great day everybody. Peace!

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