Ep. 60 – Creating vs Competing


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to five minute rants guys, I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back, everyone. If you’re new to the show, just so y’all know, this show is predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well guys to jump straight in, I want to talk about creating versus competing. I think that as we go through life, as we go through business, I think one of the biggest pitfalls out there for ourselves to fall into is keeping up with the Joneses. And this is What I mean by that you’re looking at What everybody else has. You’re looking at What everybody else is doing. And then you’re constantly playing the game of keep up, and you’re constantly running behind somebody. And Here’s the thing, if you’re running behind somebody, trying to follow What they’re doing, trying to mimic them trying to keep up with them. Well, guess What, you’re not really running your own race.

And as a result, you automatically fall behind, you automatically fall behind where you want to be, you’re now not running after your dreams, you’re not running after your aspirations, you’re actually running after somebody else’s. And now somebody else is driving you in the process of creation, they’re driving you in work, they’re driving you in vision, they’re driving you in Greater Good all because you want to try and keep up with them. And you’re competing with them.

And I want you to think about this, I’m not saying you don’t want to strive to be the best. I’m not saying that you don’t want to move forward with the mindset of being the best that you can possibly be. What I’m talking about is really creating for yourself, you’re honing your craft, you’re creating and innovating what’s been given to you and where you’re at. And you’re not trying to be the next Elon Musk, or the next Steve Jobs, because you’re not either of them, you’re not trying to be the mentor that you look up to, or some superstar, you’re not any of them, you’re you. And if you’re not building with What you have, and with What you’ve been given, you’re really actually falling behind in the race that’s been given to you. Because each one of us has a path and a journey that’s unique to ourselves. And if you’re not running it for yourself, you’re just following behind somebody else, hoping that life treats you well and hoping that life comes and celebrates you for it, which it normally does not.

And Here’s the other thing to think about. As you’re doing this, if you’re keeping up with the Joneses, if you’re also like just trying to compete with people and run after people and you’re constantly falling behind somebody, you are out to do it to impress somebody else, you’re playing a part that doesn’t belong to you. And that doesn’t really fit you. And as a result, you just blend in to What everybody else is doing. If you really choose to love yourself, if you really choose to build on what’s been given to you and utilize your gifts and be content with who you are, right? Be content with your skill set, Be content with your giftings be content with who you are, and then build on those things, you are going to move so far forward, it’s going to be astounding. And then as a result, you’ll actually find that people want to talk to you more. Why? Because it’s genuine, it’s authentic, you’re actually taking care of yourself. And everybody knows that that’s really the natural order of things.

If you listened to the episode about storytelling, Ty hunt said this. And I think it’s so true, his dad said and this was when Ty was growing up as a little boy, if I take care of myself, and I take care of you. And we take care of ourselves and our neighbors take care of ourselves, then everybody is taken care of. But if we’re constantly trying to compete, and we’re constantly trying to be like the next boss, so we go out and buy the next BMW, and that next three piece suits everybody knows or we are going to be the next CEO. You’re not building anything. You’re putting on a show, you’re putting on an image to impress people that honestly don’t have the impact you give them in your life. Listen to that the people that you’re trying to impress. They’re not the most influential and most important factor in your life. They don’t give you the biggest impact in your life, you do. And I’m not saying that people are not important. I’m not saying that your network is not important that your connections are not important. But What happens is, is you’re giving away your authority to drive, to build, to move forward, to create momentum in your life, you’re giving it to somebody else based upon their approval. And that’s broken. It’s really broken.

So anyways, guys, as you go throughout your day, just think about that. What are you actually really creating and What are you competing with? And if you start letting go of all the things that you’re trying to compete with, right, you let go of trying to be the next Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan you let go of that because you’re not them. You’ll find yourself somewhere down the line and then you’ll realize that you are a highly gifted individual.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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