Episode Transcript
Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome to THE a.m. Welcome to Five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.
So today, everybody I want to talk about, just do it. And I guess that’s Nikes tagline. I’m not trying to steal their tagline. Another way to say it would be do it now. So something that I’ve realized in the discipline to accomplish work, is it really takes doing it now. And so Here’s the thing is the art. The discipline to accomplish things in life means doing it now. And an example of this is every time that I say I can add that to the list or I’ll do that tomorrow. I’m deferring and delaying the action that I need to take to move forward. So every time that I’m like, I’m gonna lose weight. I’m gonna get to the gym tomorrow, I’m gonna go exercise tomorrow, okay, I’m deferring the action that will open up the door for change in my life. And What it means is, every time I say I’ll do it tomorrow means I’m never going to do it. Because Here’s the thing tomorrow never comes. tomorrow never comes you’ve never lived in tomorrow, you’ve never experienced tomorrow. You’ve never experienced anything outside of today. It is always today. It has always been today in your life. And so when we defer things, every time we defer something and prolong something, it prolongs change, it prolongs momentum, and it continues to allow pain to come into our life, it allows unintended consequences that sometimes are very destructive to come into our life. And we didn’t mean for that to happen, but guess What it’s happening.
And all of that, all of that comes into our life, because we defer, oh, I’ll answer that email tomorrow, or I’ll call that client back later, or I will change that light bulb, and all the little small things, I’ll email later, I, I won’t get to my email right now, I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that. And we have this whole list of things that we are not accomplishing. Because in the moment, it is painful to face and do the real work. It’s painful to do the things that better our lives. And I don’t know why this is. But when it comes to bettering your life, when it comes to loving yourself, when it comes to really choosing to do What is best for you predicated on the truth and greater good. That’s when we don’t want to do What we should be doing. And we defer it. And so we don’t do it, we delay the action. And then we delay as a result in an unintended consequence. We delay the change. We delay the growth, we delay the momentum. And then we wonder in the next six months to a year, What happened to my life? Why did it end up this way? The next five years, man, how did I get this way When did this start? Because What begins to happen is the effects of not going through that doorway. And the effects of not changing and growing, slowly grow and compound.
Time is very compounding time acts compounding, it acts exponentially, it doesn’t just add additional things to our lives, it’s not a addition, or it’s not just a stagnant, neutral time and delaying time compounds, it’s the same thing with taking actions and doing actions, that better your life. And that will change your life. Taking those things. It’s the same thing. They’re compounding. And it’s designed that way. Life is designed this way that everything compounds, whether it’s negative for you or positive, and you just get to choose which one it is. So if you choose to put off the things in life that you need to do today, you’re just compounding on the cycle of either failure or defeat or the cycle of neutrality. And there’s really almost no neutrality, you’re either moving into change and improvement and growth, or you’re falling into chaos. And I mean, that’s the second law of thermodynamics. That’s everything. That’s why I have to cut the grass every single week. That’s why I gotta go get a hair cut tomorrow. I’m fighting off chaos. It’s one of my jobs to fight off chaos. And one of the best ways to prevent chaos in my life, is just to do it now.
Okay, I don’t have all the time in the world. Well, I’ve got all the time that’s been given to me and I have the same 24 hours. But What I do with that, and What I choose to do with that is so important, because if I utilize that to get things done that I need to get done, my life is going to profoundly and dramatically change in the way you do that is do it now. Oh, I’ve got a call so and so back, call them back. Don’t wait till tomorrow. Don’t wait into for an hour because you defer an hour, guess What you’ll defer to two hours then you’ll just four to three. And before you know it, it’s like you’re back in high school procrastinating on your homework. And if you’re in high school listening to this, if you’re in school, do not develop the habit of procrastination. And if you have go ahead and start fighting hard to break that in your life and develop the habit of just doing it now.
Anyways guys, I’m out of time and I hope y’all have a great day and I’ll talk to y’all later. Peace