A podcast predicated on the journey of business and life.
The truth is that we already know what to do. When we submit to the path and let it show us what is required step by step, we find that there was never any benefit from living in fear and self-doubt.

Episode Transcript
Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back today and guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.
Well, everybody real quick, if you know somebody that this show would help just them personally to listen to whether it better their lives, I don’t know, maybe put more food on the table or something like that, or help them get out of a place that they’re stuck in? Would you share it with them? And would you partner with me in getting the word out? If not, if you don’t know anybody? Would you mind rating the show and leaving a five star review? That would be shamazing.
Well, everybody, I want to talk today about, you already know What to do. So this is a personal belief of mine. And it’s something that hasn’t seemed to break yet. Whenever I encounter something, whenever I sit down, at my day, getting started in my day, or the week or the year, whether it’s a vision, meeting, planning, meeting goals, whatever it is, for the business, whatever it is, for my personal life, something that seems to come true, pretty consistently is, I already know What to do.
And Here’s the crazy thing, how, like how I’m going to do it doesn’t actually matter? Because see, I get stuck. Excuse me, not I but we as people get stuck at, well, What do I do? What should I do? What should I do about this? What should I do about that? And see the thing is, is that comes from lack of self esteem in yourself. It comes from lack of confidence, and a deep lack of confidence in yourself to be able to move forward.
And if you didn’t listen to the last episode, I talked about ownership, ownership is the foundation to really be able to move forward. Because it once you take responsibility for your life, then it’s like, Well, who else is going to do this? Well, nobody. Well, I’ve got to be able to do this. And it’s like, you can do this. So for anything in my life. I already know What to do. I already know What I should do. I already know where I need to implement things. I already know What I need to build, I already know technically how I need to build it.
And Here’s the crazy thing, how doesn’t matter? We use How will how do I do it? How do I start a company? How do I how do I have a better relationship with my spouse? How do I raise kids? How do I do this how how how, how how, and we skipped the most important step, which is I already know What to do.
Because Here’s the thing, once you start on the journey, once you start walking down the path, the path tells you exactly What you need to do. So if you’ve ever been hiking, right, if you’ve ever climbed mountains, if you’ve ever gone out into the wilderness, or here, let me give you a better example, will often is that when the path always tells you What next steps to take, right? Once you start the path to the end of the path, it always tells you What steps you should take and how you’re going to climb and scale the mountain.
So Here’s the crazy thing. Roads do the exact same way. If you know that you just want to go south to Florida, and I’m up north and Georgia, I just know that I need to go south. And once I start going south, I’m going to get into Florida. Now the technical terms, all the technical things, they’re going to come to pass and either the GPS is going to show me the Atlas is going to show me the road signs are going to show me everything is already laid out about how I should tactically do it. And there are better ways once you have more knowledge, cool, there will be more knowledge down the road, you get to learn, you get better you improve and you grow. But that is never going to happen. If you don’t believe that you already know What to do. And you don’t just start doing it.
Most problems in our lives are not solved because we simply won’t start walking towards them. And then just attacking them just doing them. And if you want to know how to be a dad, you know how to be a dad not knowing the bad stuff, knowing What you shouldn’t do and What you shouldn’t be. All of that is half the battle more than half right?
Two plus two only has one right answer and an infinite amount of wrong answers. The more wrong answers you know, the closer you are to the right answer. And I’m saying this because you won’t know how to be a dad a mom, you want to know how to open a company or business it’s really the belief of you already know What to do you already know your first steps.
Cool. I don’t know some of these technical skills. Well, you already know What to do. You need to learn, hey, I need this. I need that awesome. You know What to do. Hey, I need to acquire customers awesome. Look at that you already know What to do. Think about that. You already know What to do. I know that I gotta get sales. Awesome. You already know What to do. Well, how do you get sales? Marketing. You already know What to do. How does marketing work? Well, let me Google that you already know What to do.
And I’m just telling you all this is such a profound and important belief set. If you believe that you already know What to do. There’s going to be almost nothing that stands in your way from doing What you need to do. Well guys, I’m like right on the dot so, I’ll catch y’all later, peace.