Ep. 180 – Think, Try, Fail, Learn, Grow, Repeat


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back today and guys, welcome back to Five Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business guys.

Well, real quick, if you guys know, somebody that you believe would benefit, or that this podcast would help, would you actually partner with me and share it with them, and help spread the word? I really appreciate it, guys.

So today, I want to actually talk about a phrase that I say a lot I personally believe in. It’s simply this think try, fail, learn, grow, repeat. And, honestly, this is how life works. And this is actually how you figure out life. You think, you try, you fail, you learn, you grow, repeat.

Here’s the thing, if you skip one of these steps, this breaks this whole system, this whole process breaks if you skip one of the steps, and we tend to skip steps. For whatever reason, I don’t know why. But we do.

And one of the things that is very interesting is we actually skip the think, step a lot. We skip the think step. Or we get stuck in afraid at the try step.

And when we’re when we don’t think when we just do right. We leave out purpose, we leave out vision, we leave out the goals. And as a result, we wonder how we got where we got life? How did I get here? How did I end up at a job that I hate? How come I have no plan to get out of it.

And the only time you don’t have a plan is when you’ve never planned, like think about the simplicity of that I got told that once, okay, anytime you don’t have a plan, don’t be surprised when you end up with no plan. Now, Here’s the crazy thing, no matter where you’re at, if you stop to think and actually plan, you can actually make an escape route of your current life, and how to get into your next one.

And so the phrase again is think, try, fail, learn, grow, repeat it as a personal motto. If you ever talk to my wife, she knows this, I talk about this all the time.

Now talking about with friends. The other step that we really get stuck on is the failure step. I tell Andrew a lot in our partnership. Excuse me, I tell Andrew a lot in our partnership, we only move as fast as we fail. If you don’t fail, you’re never moving forward. And failure actually produces growth. If you choose to reflect and learn it produces improvement.

Think about everything in life that we have every product, think about What customer feedback is customer feedback for products is essentially this products or services, hey, this is where you failed. This is where I don’t like your product or service, or this is where your product or service lacks. Well, that’s failure, I lacked a few good answers on my test, and I failed it. So that’s failure, and then you look at the improvement that comes out of it.

But that’s only if we’re willing to learn, it’s very easy to do this in a business. And I’m air-quoting for a product or something outside of ourselves, it’s very hard to do this, personally. We just do not like to be wrong. That’s What I think. And it seems to be that that’s the case, like we just simply don’t like to be wrong. And so when it really comes from looking at our own personal failures, it becomes very hard, it becomes very painful. And then we end up being stuck. And then we never actually repeat this cycle about think try fail, learn, grow, repeat.

And the reason why I’m saying this is because life simply works like this, Hey, I have an obstacle, or there’s an adventure I’d like to take place. And then I want to think about how I’m going to do that. How do I get there, and then I’m going to just try, once I try, no matter how good I try, there’s going to be failure along the way somewhere.

It’s inevitable, we are fallible beings, right? We are not perfect. And so failure is going to be there because nothing that is imperfect can ever create anything that is perfect. So think about that you can’t create the perfect product because you’re an imperfect being. Imperfection does not beget perfection.

So that being said, its going to happen. And then from that it’s just learning to move forward. How do I improve? How do I solve What I just created? And if you don’t think and if you don’t try, there’s going to be no growth at the end of this. There’s going to be no change, oftentimes the areas of my life that have not changed or not improved the way that I wish they would, or the way that they should have I simply have not done this system. I either didn’t think I didn’t plan. I didn’t try the way I should have. Or I tried and I failed and guess What? I didn’t learn anything from it. And then I never grew. And so I repeated the current cycle I’m in and never got out into a new phase.

And I’m saying this because this is simply how life works. It’s how everything works. Think about how you learned math. You were never amazing at math starting out you’re never amazing at speaking English or even breathing Have you had to learn how to do all those things? Think about that. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch y’all later peace

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