Ep. 185 – The Middle Is Prison


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Episode transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Everybody real quick, before we get into this, if you know somebody that would benefit from listening to this, and it would possibly better their lives, helped them pay bills, or put food on the table or change their lives in the position they’re in, would you mind sharing this with them in partnering with me to get the word out. Or if you don’t have somebody like that, like, rate, or leave a review for the show, and just really partner with us to get the word out. I appreciate that guys. And I also also really appreciate y’all just tuning in and listening. And I hope that the stuff I’m talking about really changes, or has the potential to change your life and make an impact. And if there’s something that you’d like me to talk more about, you know, you can leave comments. I’ll definitely read them, listen to them. And then we’ll see What we do from there and go from there.

So anyways, guys, today, I really want to talk about the middle is prison. And I have thought about this for years. But being in the middle of prison, I talked a little bit about this last week about how mediocracy is very destructive, while the middle is prison. And this is What I mean. I’m not as bad off as I should be in any situation. So let’s just talk financially or business wise, cool, I’m working a job. And I’m not it’s not the most horrible job. But it’s not the best job. But it’s just comfortable enough for me to stay and just painful enough for me to hate. That’s prison, that sucks. I get three meals a day, I got a bed, I got a toilet, I got a roof over my head. But you know What, it’s really not so nice. And here. If I really stop and think about it, if I really stop and think about where I’m headed in life, it’s not really where I want to be. And I was talking to a buddy of mine. And he is actually building his own thing and working on his own thing. And we talked about a three to four trade. So he works three days a week has four days off to build his own thing, right? So he trades three days on for four days off, the goal is to have as much of your time back as possible. And so the goal is really zero days for an infinite trade, which would be amazing. And then at that point work is a choice versus a have to.

And see the middle is a half two, it’s a prison. I don’t have that choice to leave, if I don’t want to I’m gonna pay the bills, oh, I have my debt, or I have debt. And a lot of people have debt. And we’re in prisons of debt. And we don’t even think about that. Right? There’s a proverb that says, whoever you borrow money from, you’re a slave to. And it’s like, wow, that’s amazing. Because it’s true. They can come take my property, they can come repot things in my life, they have control over my life and how I run it. And they have control over certain things of my life. Because I’m in debt. And see, that’s the middle. And the middle is also Hey, I’m comfortable enough to stay where I’m at to where I really don’t want to grow the business.

If you look at a lot of entrepreneurs, I think 7% of the billionaires out there in the world 7% Right, of the self made billionaires lived below the poverty line, right? The other two thirds came from middle and upper class, very wealthy households. So you think about that. The other two thirds of entrepreneurs came from upper class households, or high middle class, which means they had funding they had parents that taught them about these things, there were a lot of changes. Now everybody’s life is different. But you think about the people that really made it, they lived below the poverty line or faced heavy financial adversity in their lives. And then you think about that pain that drove them out of their situation through the middle and they’re on the other side.

And no matter where you’re at, and and this is a principle for life, I’m talking a lot about business because it’s very clear to see. But this is how it is in relationships cool. You’re in the middle with a relationship you’re not all in, it’s going to fall apart. mediocracy only produces destruction because it’s never good enough to succeed or sustain itself long term, no matter whether this is about business, relationships, finances, plans. mediocracy never sustains anything, it actually produces destruction. And the thing about mediocracy and being in the middle, it’s a lie. Because I’m just comfortable enough to not do something about it. Think about that. I’ve had areas of my life to where it’s like cool I’m just comfortable enough in my life not to do something about it. And then there’s no pain in my life that forces me to do something about it. And so now it just becomes a question of discipline and choosing to better my life and come out of the middle. And so anyways, just to really hold on to that guys, the middle Is prison no matter where you’re at and in What area it is its prison. It’s a very nice looking prison and its a comfortable prison, but it’s not really someplace that anybody wants to be. I’m out of time guys. I’ll catch you later peace.

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