Ep. 187 – Today Is A Great Day Because I Decided It Is


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, guys, today, I wanted to talk about that today’s a great day because I decided it is.

And I think this oftentimes gets overlooked and missed. And I don’t even know if a lot of you’ve realized that you get to decide whether today sucks, or today’s great. Oftentimes, like, I think we just really miss this, we really overlook this. And we really overlook how easy it is to really have a great day. One, I get to decide that’s a great day cool, I’m I got to do things that I don’t like to do, I might have to do certain things that are not easy, I might have to do difficult hard things. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not great.

For instance, when we look at it from a third person perspective, we don’t ever tend to identify hard things as aww it just sucks. It’s just horrible. It’s just stupid. And nobody should ever do that. We don’t think that way. We don’t think that climbing Mount Everest for the people who’ve done it. I mean, now it’s like a tourist trap. But for the people who have done it and the original explorers who did it, we never said that it wasn’t a great accomplishment. It was great. It was amazing, it was hard. And now the point of why I’m saying this is to take that perspective and apply it to your life cool, you’ve got to climb a mountain, you’ve got to do some hard stuff, it doesn’t mean that it’s not great.

And the times in my life, when I have really chosen not to look at today as great or today as the best day of my life, I have really been stupid and have really been hard to do whatever I need to do. And if I have to do this anyways, if I want to accomplish the vision, the purpose for my life, and I’ve got to do whatever I’m about to do, and it’s right in front of me and I got to do it right now. You know What I might as well choose to do it happy. And I might as well choose to do it encouraged versus Oh, well, this just sucks and I’m miserable. And then the cynicism sets in and all the pessimism sets in, and then all the other stupid junk sets in. And it’s like, man, it’s not even worth that. It’s better to be thankful. And it’s better to really decide and choose to believe that today is great.

I just had a close friend of mine, talk to me about how it is so important to take advantage of every opportunity. And we’re actually talking about that. And it’s a verse in the Bible. But we’re talking about taking advantage of every opportunity. And it’s so true that like right now is the time for me to take advantage of the opportunity that’s in front of me. But if I don’t believe that today is great, if I don’t believe that this day is amazing and awesome. And that today is an opportunity for me to win and succeed at whatever I’m set out to do, then I’m not going to do the things I need to do.

If you look back at your life, anytime that you’ve been miserable, anytime that you’ve been ungrateful, that’s really when you’ve done the least in your life, for whatever reason, thankfulness and gratefulness correlate hand in hand with productivity, they correlate hand in hand with responsibility. They correlate hand in hand with principles and discipline, they really do. And so being thankful and grateful, and choosing to understand that the opportunity I’ve been given today that I’ve been given another day, and I’ve been given another moment in time to actually go back to war, to fight for the things I want to fight for in this life, to build the things that I want to build, to create the life that I want to create, to understand that today’s an amazing day. And that its a great day and then deciding for that to be so is world changing. And it’s so simple. And it seems to be that the best things in life are always the simplest. But it’s so simple. And it’s a really simple concept.

But most of us don’t actually do this. And even me for a lot of my life. I didn’t do this. I didn’t wake up thinking today’s the best day of my life. There are so many days that I’ve woken up and been like ah, I gotta get back up. I gotta go to work. Yep, still not where I want to be and that mentality is so destructive. I’ve had that mentality a lot like nope, cool yet we got to checkpoint A cool, We’re not checkpoint B yet. Why don’t we need to checkpoint B yet. And that is so destructive because there’s no thankfulness and there’s no love or passion for the journey. There’s always a love or passion for the main event for the summit. And it’s like, that’s not What makes Everest and climbing Everest amazing is just the summit. It’s the whole journey up it. And if I don’t see today as great. That’s another opportunity to move forward and to actually continue to pursue the things that I want to pursue in life. I’m really not going to get anywhere and then to top it off. I’m going to be a miserable individual that nobody wants to be around. So that’s it guys, I hope you’ve had a great day and I’m out of time. I’ll catch you later peace

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