Ep. 195 – Questions Are Better Than Answers


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back today, guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

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Well, real quick for today, I want to talk about a quote I heard and the quote was this. And I don’t remember, I actually think I read it recently, as I was reading, but the quote is that questions are better than answers, because questions always lead to learning. And I actually think that statement is very profound. And I actually think it’s true to my life, and What I personally believe without ever actually having language for it until now. I really, personally believe that questions are better than answers. Because if you have questions, and you have curiosity driving you to get answers to those questions, you are going to learn, you’re going to improve, you’re going to get better, and it is going to accelerate you in life and move you forward. And I personally believe that the best way to solve problems is ask the right question, because if you ask the right question, you’re going to get the right answer.

But oftentimes, we can’t solve certain problems in business because we keep asking the wrong questions, right. And the way you ask better questions is, you have a better perspective of things, you increase and improve your site to look at the problem or to look at the situation differently. You change how you look at things, you change how you conceptualize things, you change how you approach problems, just logically, linearly or abstractly.

And I will tell you this thinking in abstract ways, and having abstract intelligence, and things like that are so important to problem solving, because then you can take things that are outside of the common solutions, or the common paths that are not working and that’s normally where we get stuck, or on solutions that we believe should work that have worked in the past and should work to solve the problem that is at hand. And then we get stuck there, then we actually don’t ever find the solution. Because we never understand. we don’t actually choose to be creative to develop a whole new solution.

And an example of this is my wife and I for our sink, we have sponges, we have a brush that we use to clean bottles, but nothing really holds the brush very well, it’s a long handled brush. And so I told my wife, why don’t we just go by toothbrush holders and put them on the sink. And it’s abstract because toothbrush holders belong in the bathroom, not in the kitchen. But it solved the problem perfectly.

And so the point of What I’m getting at is this, if you are curious, and you’re constantly asking questions, the more you’re going to improve, and the more that you’re going to change. Oftentimes, I’ve heard the phrase as well, we can’t do that that’s impossible, that’s impossible. How do we do that? We don’t have money, and we don’t have this, or we don’t have the funding, or we don’t have the time. And when you think in that aspect. And when you think in that thought pattern, you’re going to result the only results that have come from that are failure, no, no forward momentum or no forward movement. And then you’re just going to stay there stuck? Versus if I think in questions, how do we solve this? Okay, did the previous solution work the way I wanted it to, and you begin vetting and questioning how you are building the solution, or how you’re moving forward

some of the best inventions and and some of the best things that Andrew and I have created as a company have come from problems that cannot be conventionally solved. And we had to go down the path of questions. And we had to go down the path of questioning What we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, and how do we solve this, with either out funding without manpower without all these things, or whatever is normally commonly used to solve these problems. And as a result, we got great answers. And it really drove us forward as a company as a business. It drove us forward as individuals.

And the more you can do this, the better you will be in life, the more that you’ll win. And then the more you practice this, the faster you’ll be at this and Here’s something else if you don’t do this normally or naturally, it’s going to take some practice to do this. And it’s going to be slow and painful at first, but it was slow and painful to learn to walk as a kid and now you don’t even think about it. It’s just second nature. And if you put it into practice this began asking questions, and then really valuing curiosity and valuing questions better than the right answer. Life is going to radically accelerate for you in such a positive way.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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