Ep. 197 – More Important Than Courage


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys, welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you good.

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Anyways, I, I want to talk about a quote I heard, and in my readings, and one of the things that came up was a quote from Michael Jordan. And it goes like this, it says, I have something more important than courage, I have patience, I will become What I know I am. And when I read that, it was like, wow, that is so true. It’s so true.

Because Here’s, let me let me give you some backstory real quick. When Andrew and I started the company, one of the things that we said is, we have nothing to lose. And there’s no way that we’re really going to fail, cool. Our idea may not take off. But we as people are never going to fail if we just try. And so as long as we just try and as long as we actually do What we know we need to do, there’s no way that we’re not going to succeed. And this is What we are telling ourselves before we quit our jobs. And before we did other things, right. So courage, working up the courage. But if you notice one of our original statements was even if What we try fails, there’s no way that we’re not going to succeed as long as we don’t quit. And that’s patience.

Gary Vee has talked a ton about patience, right? I’ve there other people that have talked about patients a ton, like Alex Hormozi. I think David Patrick bet has talked a lot or David Bet-Patrick, I don’t, I don’t always get his name, right.

But anyways, that guy talks a lot about patience too. The thing is, is, it’s so true, having the patience to continue to show up every day, do What you know you need to do and accomplish it. And then finish your day out strong, and then wake up and do it again over and over to repeat all the small wins every day and accumulate those small wins every day to where everything becomes a success later on. And the courage is very important to start. But the patience matters most, because that’s actually where a lot of people lose is the impatience.

And I am super impatient. I want to get there yesterday. And I really want everything to move forward faster oftentimes than it can or faster than I’m currently able to make things go. The leverage that I have, doesn’t always make everything move as fast as I want in different areas of life. And so it really requires patience, to not just sabotage What I’m doing that day, to not just sabotage.

And a good friend of mine and our business mentor. He talked about losing weight, he’s like you gained weight slowly over time. And you’re going to lose weight slowly over time. And yes, you can lose weight faster if you work harder. But we’re, What we’re talking about is it is still a process and a journey to lose the weight. And that’s the same thing with business. That’s the same thing with marriage. That’s the same thing with whatever you are trying to build. Whatever you are trying to create, it’s going to occur slowly over time and a lot slower than you think.

And the way that everything really happens is showing up and doing the things that you know you need to do every day to get done. For instance, I’m going to be exercising for the rest of my life, I’m going to be going to the gym pretty much for the rest of my life. And the gym doesn’t just mean LA Fitness to me, the gym is sometimes cool, I’m going out inside my garage, or I’m going out to my neighborhood to do whatever I need to do. But I’m doing that for the rest of my life, why it’s a part of who I need to be and a part of who I am called to be and am supposed to be. And so I’ve got to have the patience to do it every day, every day.

Now, Here’s the crazy thing about patience. All right. So if I I was on the treadmill walking right because one of my goals is to burn more fat and to gain some more muscle currently. And the whole goal is to burn fat, but I was on the treadmill doing 30 minutes a day before I got off into all my exercises. Alright. I added 10 extra minutes and then What I did was I did the math of I walked 10 extra minutes every day just 10 not a crazy 30 not a crazy hour anything like that just 10 extra minutes. How much time will I have extra walking at the end of the year and I would have a I would have 2.4 days of continuous walking so it’s like 58 hours of continuous walking give or take by adding 10 minutes.

And that’s the patience. I will show up. I will do the things that I Know that I must do that are required of me to succeed and I will show up and do it every day. And this is way more important than courage because you have to have a lot more patience in life to get where you want to go than you do courage.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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