Ep. 199 – Guess Work Costs The Most


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy, and welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, if you wouldn’t mind partnering with me to help spread the word, would you share the show with somebody that would benefit from listen to it, and either rate it or leave a review. I appreciate the partnership guys. Well, anyways, to get right into this, I want to talk about guess work, and I want to talk about how expensive guess work actually is.

So in life, it is not a battle, I guess. And let me actually back up and say this first life is made up of learning What you don’t know, and then actually executing to learn more about What you don’t know to improve. And there are certain things that matter about learning, there are certain things that do not. But the journey of life, and especially in business is learning What you do not know as fast as possible. And Here’s why. Guessing is very expensive. Guessing always at the bare minimum cost time. It always costs time if you’re guessing about something that will always cost you time. And so ignorant really comes with a price. And part of our job as entrepreneurs part of our job as you know, just people in society is to remove ignorance from our lives is to remove the guess work, and guess work cost the most is a great way to say this. Sometimes guess work depending on where it is and ignorance it cost money. It’ll cost freedom, it’ll cost peace. And it just depends on your goals and depends on What you’re trying to do.

For instance, like, let’s just say you’re trying to befriend somebody at a networking event, or you’re just trying to talk to somebody, and you don’t know the slightest thing about them. Well, it will cost you a relationship or cost you time getting to know that person if you simply don’t remove the guess work and start asking questions. So many people come up and just start talking, thinking that that’s how they’re going to open up a relationship. But they actually have no idea What the person likes or dislikes, because they simply haven’t chosen to remove the guess work by asking questions by gathering information. The gathering information in learning stage is so important. I talked a couple episodes about just a partner. And when we were working in the company, we took out a lot of guess work because we bought a prebuilt framework to give us gouge to give us just a starting point of foundation to help remove some the guess work because otherwise, there was going to cost us a lot of time to actually understand discover and figured out.

And we would have done that. It’s not like we’re not skilled enough to do that. But the point of What it is, is it saved us time. And so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, it would be better to have humility and let others just teach us how to build the wheel the way they have. Because it obviously works that way, and then build from there. And so I’m saying this because as you go through life, no matter What you’re doing, whether you’re trying to pursue a certain career, whether you are trying to build something, you know, especially if you’re in the entrepreneurship journey, it’s the things that you don’t know that will kill you. And it’s why most entrepreneurs fail or not, not entrepreneurs, but business owners fail.

And they fail quickly. They fail within the first year, the first five years, because it’s the things that they don’t know that kill them. And it costs the most and sometimes depending on the ignorance and depending on the guess work that’s been done. The price is very steep because guess work doesn’t just take time, or doesn’t require time. It can require more things it can require finances, it can require freedom, it can require peace, it can require relationships, right? It can require a lot of things as a price to pay for not knowing. And I think not knowing is one of the most dangerous things in life. And if you listen to a lot of entrepreneurs, whoever they are, they’re always preoccupied with learning. They are always preoccupied with removing the guess work whether they have language for it or not. But removing the ignorance because ignorance is very, very expensive and always comes with a price and depending on where you’re ignorant at and the areas you’re ignorant at. It can actually be more expensive. It can actually cost more and this applies to everything.

So if you’re building a business, if you’re building a company, if you’re doing you know something that you’re trying to build, this definitely applies to that. But this can also apply to you know, being a father raising kids how to be married. A lot of people fail in relationships and marriages because they have a lot of guess work, even if they haven’t acknowledged that or not. A lot of relationships fail because of guess work and because of ignorance. Nobody really knows What is required. from you as an individual if you get married and when you get married and how relationships work. So anyways guys, I’m just saying this hopefully it will save you some time down the road.

Read, get educated, get smarter, find out What you don’t know and find it out as quick as you can and then get educated on it. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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