Ep. 209 – Right Does Not Exist


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five Minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, would you do me a favor and partner with me to help spread the word? If you know somebody that would benefit from listening to this, like a boss, co-worker, or anybody else that you just think would benefit from listening to some things I’m talking about? Would you partner with me to share the word and get it out? If not, would you mind rating or leaving a review for the show? It’d be much appreciated.

Anyways, guys, I want to talk about how right does not exist today. And there’s this concept in our lives where we think that there is always a right answer. And that life is simply black and white. And the truth is, there’s not and Here’s why life is really built and made so that we have the freedom of choice to be and do whatever we want to do. I am in charge of building my life and What I want my life to look like, that’s not taught in school. And so when we grow up, oftentimes upon our education, or depending on, you know, the decisions we’ve made, we really focus on What is the right answer? What’s the right answer to this test? What is the right answer? You know, What is the right answer to two plus two? What is the right answer to that question? And that’s actually not reality in I would say about 90% of life.

Now, there are right answers to sending a rocket to space, there are right answers to, you know, architectural problems and structural problems and engineering and design and things like there’s a time and place for that. But the majority of everyday life does not work that way. It does not work in the black and white answer. It’s specially in the business world. Okay. If you’re thinking about starting a business, just know there is no right answer. Right? You can decide, I believe this is the best way to build this product or to provide the service you can you can state that. But there’s no universal standard, right? What makes Google the universal standard for the search engine? It doesn’t there were tons of searches before Google. Google just decided to do things better based on their customers or give their customers something that they wanted and took over. But there’s no right answer. Somebody could come out with something that actually replaces Google today if they wanted to. That’s my point.

And so here, let me give you some other questions to help let this concept sink in. Because it’s so important because the moment we get out of right and wrong. What’s the right answer? What’s the wrong answer? Life becomes more peaceful, the ability to think and process and make better decisions becomes so much more prominent in our lives. Henry Ford said the hardest work to do is thinking which is why not many do it. And that’s so true. And one of the reasons is because of this, we get stuck in right. And most of the time when we get stuck in life, it’s because we’re trying to find the right answer.

And so going back to those questions, what’s the right answer for how do you invest money? What’s the best way to invest money? Right? What does it take to be successful? What’s the right answer to that? How do I raise my kids? How do I build a company? What industry should I start in? And Here’s the thing, there are no rules. All the answers to these questions really lie in What is your purpose and What are your goals? What’s your purpose in life? What are you trying to accomplish? What are your goals in life? And so oftentimes, the best answer for all of these questions or questions like this is to know who you are, if you don’t know who you are, you don’t know how to answer questions like this. If you don’t know What your purpose is in life, if your purpose is in life, just to get up, go to work, pay bills, come home, watch Netflix, play video games, eat food and go to bed. That’s not a purpose. And oftentimes, I personally believe that a lot of people are miserable in their life and in their society. And just in jobs and work and a lot of things where we’re at is because we simply don’t have purpose. We don’t have a greater good outside of ourselves. And then sometimes we’ll do things to placate like Oh, my career, but careers aren’t a purpose. Oh, my kids, kids aren’t a purpose. Right? Kids are noble venture, and raising children, things like that. That’s my personal belief, but they’re not your life’s purpose.

And so going back to there’s no right answer, we get stuck in What is the right answer? What market should I enter? What should I build this, which I do that and it’s really based on What do you want to do? And I’m trying to just get rid of this belief that right, is What I need to find. I need to find the right answer. Every time I’ve gotten stuck in business or in life. It’s because I’ve been trying to find the right answer, and it simply does not exist. And again, I’m just going to say in general, like 90% of life, the right answer does not exist because you get to decide What you want it to be. You can be who you want to be. It doesn’t matter how old you are right now you can still be who you want to be.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later peace

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