Ep. 221 – Time Is Money, But How Much Money


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, guys, real quick, before we get started, would you guys actually take a moment and partner with me? If you know somebody that would benefit qnd their life would change from listening to the show? Would you please share it with them? Thanks for helping me spread the word guys.

Well, today, I want to talk about focus. I want to talk about how, as entrepreneurs and as businessmen, and again, everything I’m saying here really applies to everything we’re doing in life, right includes being the dad, a mom, it includes being a student, it doesn’t matter where you’re at everything that we are talking about, is really based upon universal principles, to move forward and be successful and to really build the life you want and change your life the way you want to. So today, I really want to talk about focus. And the goal in life is to really only focus on the work that needs to be done the real work, and I’ve talked a lot about fake work, I’ve talked a lot about real work. And this is where we’re talking about real work finding the work that really matters, okay.

So there’s a principle called The Pareto principle. And this principle pretty much states that for most of the outcomes in your life, most of the results that are produced in life, like 80% of them come from 20% of the work that you do, or 20% the work that you actually performs causes an 80% output to put it that way, another name for this principle is the 8020 rule, you’ve probably heard of it and read a book. And it is, What it is, is a law that really demonstrates how our lives are really focused around constraints. And a constraint you could think of as bottleneck, but it’s not really a bottleneck, a constraint is where everything else in work is dependent upon it, right. And then everything that is happening is boiled down into a single soul dependency. And when that dependency that challenge is solved that pinch point, right is solved, all of a sudden, it produces 80% of the raw results that you’re looking for in business. And so there’s multiple different types of constraints, we can talk about them later.

But What I want to talk about is, really, how much does it cost you not to focus on the work that you need to focus on? How much does it cost you not to do the marketing that you know you need to do. And if you want to find your real work, one of the best things to do is to step out of your shoes, and to tell yourself and to coach yourself and give yourself advice like you would a stranger if they told you that they want to start their own company didn’t know What to do. See, even as people deep down inside, we already know What to do. We know What to do.

Before me getting on this journey of getting on fat. Before I got on this journey of getting fat, I knew that I was overweight, I knew that it was unhealthy. And it was really just coming down to a decision of wow, What am I really going to do about this, I didn’t need a health coach, I didn’t need this, I didn’t need, you know, quick health loss pills to fix the issue. What I needed to do was really just, you know, get on the Get on the floor and do my push ups, and then start really choosing to love myself, it’s the same thing in business, most of us already know What to do. And then it’s actually doing the things that we know What to do and see most constraints for whatever reason, we tend to avoid them in work. And as a result, we actually lose a lot more money and a lot more time.

And one of the things that helped me really, really understand the importance of finding the real work finding that 20% The 20% of the work that all my outcomes come from all the results that I want in life come from is how much does it cost me? How much does it cost me in time And in money to actually not do this? How much does it cost me right now to do And then What does it cost me if I don’t do it? And when you start asking yourself those questions for the work, when you start asking yourself those questions for the aspects of the business or the aspects of your life that you know you need to do, it really starts putting things into perspective. And then it really starts showing you the value of the work and the effort that’s in front of you, if you choose to do it. And it shows you the value of the work and effort after it’s accomplished. And it is really eye opening. And it really helps provide clarity.

So again, I’m going to ask you those questions. So you have them as you’re looking for your real work. The thing that you don’t want to do that you know that you most likely need to do, how much does it cost you to do it right now. And What does it cost me if I don’t do this? And this helps you whittle away and find the work that you actually need to do and most of the time when you get rid of the constraint, a new one shows up. And that’s great because now you know where your next work is.

So anyways guys, I’m out of time. I’ll catch you later. Peace

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