Ep. 234 – There Are No Right Answers


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to five minute rant rants. Welcome back to THE a.m. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick before we get started, if you know somebody that this show would change their lives just by listening to it, would you partner with me and spread the word by sharing it with them? If not, just if you don’t mind leaving a review? That’d be awesome.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about how there are no right answers. And I have really talked a lot about this. But I think it’s so important to just re hit rehash again, I want to talk about just how society has really hurt us in the way that we have been educated. Because education, especially in America in a lot of ways, and I’ve only been educated on the country. So this might be universal as well. But knowing from What I grew up in, it is really about right and wrong. What is the right answer? What is the wrong answer? Now, don’t get me wrong, understanding right answers and understanding What does work and What does not work is so important with math, two plus two equals four. And we’re not going to go past that. Because it’s like, man, like, I need to know that it equally and five is incorrect. Because in order to navigate certain things, there are the there are right and wrong answers in certain instances. But for the vast majority of how life operates are really aren’t there, there are just there are ways to do things, right. And everybody can can have a select unique way of doing something and it actually accomplishes the exact same goal.

So let me give you an example. bunch of friends and I, we were sitting in the living room talking about this, and I said, Okay, we’re talking about how there are no right answers. Everybody’s like, oh, no, of course there are right answers. No, there’s universal objectives that we all agree are good to work towards. But there are no right answers. Let’s go like, it’s not like math, two plus two equals four, the only way to get to four from two plus two is two plus two, there that is so such a finite example. It’s so small. And so particular.

So anyways, I said, Everybody stand up, let’s all walk to the kitchen. And I was like, isn’t interesting, everybody walked through the kitchen differently. But we all arrived in the kitchen. That’s What I’m talking about. Everybody took a different path arrived in the same way. And that’s really how it is in business. It is so important to know that this how business is What the most business people want and most entrepreneurs, I want to have a healthy, sustainable entity that is self sustaining. Okay, how do you do that? There are lots of ways to do that. Now there are frameworks, there are things that people have done that work before, right. And there are principles that are seem to be universal. But the way I implement them the way I do them the way I create offerings, the way that we build processes and systems is different than how everybody else does. The key is am I actually improving to find the better way? Not the right answer. But the better way.

And that is really part of the heart position in business is constant and continual improvement. Am I finding the better way? Right, going back to the example of friends all walking into the kitchen together, we all took different paths? Well, it seems to be like the least efficient way is to jump over the couch, and go through all the front foyer through the dining room and the walk into the kitchen through a different door. Okay, that’s not the better way. Unless my goal is I would like to take a longer walk to be healthy. Well, now that might be the better way. But if we’re only judging it based off efficiency, it wouldn’t be the better way. And so Here’s the thing. What is your goal and purpose in life? What is the greater good and the vision of the company? What is the purpose? How do we want to do things? Do we want to stay small and tactical? Do we want to stay smaller? Okay, cool. Everybody’s like, I’ve got to build a massive company like Amazon. Nope, that’s What they did. That’s What Bezos wanted, Is that What you want? What are you building in life?

And so Here’s the thing, there are bad ideas are good ideas, and there are better ideas. And you get to decide What you want to build. And that’s a step that most people skip. They actually don’t know What they want to build and were just copying. And as a result, when I copy somebody, I lose me oftentimes, if I haven’t purposely made a decision saying this is What I want to build. This person has a piece of What I want to build and this would be a better way to get there sooner. And so that’s the whole that’s the really the heart the philosophy behind there are no right answers when I say this. It’s What are you building? What are you trying to build? What are you accomplishing? What’s your greater good What’s your vision? And then What is the better way to get there and accomplish that? And it’s really that you get to decide What type of life you want to create and you get to decide What you want to build.

Well guys, I’m way over and I’ll catch you later. Peace

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