Ep. 238 – Vetting


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, guys, real quick, before we get started, would you partner with me to change people’s lives? If you know somebody whose life would be better by listening to the show, or the show could help better their lives would you share it with them? If not, would you rate and leave a review for the show and help spread the word? I really appreciate it, guys.

Well, real quick today, I want to talk about vetting. And What am I What I mean by vetting is how we process problems and challenges, and how we process What is actually ocurring in our lives. And it really comes from this really comes from the ability to think, and the ability to process Henry Ford said that the hardest work there is is thinking, which seems to be the reason why so few people do it or, and so that is really, that is really so true, because oftentimes I find that when we face problems or challenges, we a lot of people run off emotionalism, What feels right, well, this one feels right, let me do it. And then if you look at that, it explains a lot in society for how we have the outcomes that we have, right. So even in your personal life, I’m making short term decisions, which is emotional decisions. Short term decisions go hand in hand with emotional decision making versus logically processing, to not just put a bandaid, but to resolve the problem and remove it for good.

So there’s normally tends to be two types of people. It is like solve the problem, escape, not solve the problem. But bandaid the problem and escape pain in the moment, or let me work through things to come up with a permanent solution so this problem does not occur. And this is where vetting comes in. Because vetting is What I call just a formula, and a framework in my mind to begin working through challenges, problems, ideas, processes, when I’m building or creating the next steps that I need to take. And the whole point of vetting is to find unintended consequences, and how my idea or the decision I may or may not take will break where it will break, and how it will break. And a lot of this comes into play, especially in business.

And let me tell you this, if you’re thinking about starting your own business, if you’re thinking about moving into entrepreneurship, it has been really glamorized a lot over the years, especially with social and I just want to encourage you that if you think about starting your own thing, first, you are fully capable of doing whatever you want. Second, it is going to cost you something it is going to be very difficult. Whatever you do in life will cost you and oftentimes the bigger the vision, the higher the cost. So go go forward with that mindset. And this is where vetting comes in. Because vetting is trying to the whole point of vetting really comes into a lot of this when you’re building things in entrepreneurship, because you want to find out What the decision will cost you. You want to find out What actions are going to cost you What What are the consequences that you’re intending to create? And What is the solution you’re attempting to create. And then What are all the other things are going to spring up that you don’t.

And so also the purpose of vetting is to find the core of the problem the core, so the root the heart, the variable of, you know, algebra, the algebra equation, so you know, like two plus x equals seven, you’re trying to figure out What x is. And if you can find x, you can solve the problem. And so it’s the same thing, you’re trying to find the core root of where all this came from. So for instance, cool, I’ve got a cash flow problem in the business, or I’ve got a work constraint like a, let’s just say a team member constraint or a knowledge constraint, or some sort of constraint, I’ve got to work backwards to find the root of that constraint. I talked about in an earlier in an earlier show an episode where I got tasked with how to make production more efficient. And our constraint was walking, right? It’s simply all our parts on one side of the building, and then all of our other parts, all of the projects are on the other and biggest impact that we could have would simply be to remove the walking and put the parts next to the jobs.

And so if you think about that, that’s part of vetting, and then it’s like, okay, where does that break? Well, it seems to solve 80% of the problem, and then you find the next step. And so I’m saying this because when people come in, and they we talk, it be able to break down. So this happened literally the other day talked with somebody about a property management company, began drafting out the whole thing, how it should run, how things should work, and how all this other happens. I’ve never run the property management company. I began vetting and logically going down this about how best to steward assets. And the guy next to me it was like, I work for a property management company and this is exactly how they did it. And the reason why I’m saying that is because that’s part of vetting. I was only trying to find where my ideas broke and whether they actually worked or not.

So anyways guys, I’m out of time and I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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