Ep. 244 – Make It Practical


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, before we get started, would you partner with me in spreading the word and changing lives? If you know somebody that this show would help improve their life or better their life, would you partner with me and share it with them? I appreciate it, guys. Otherwise, if you don’t know anybody, would you just mind leaving a review or rating the show? Appreciate it.

Well, guys, today I want to talk about practicality. One thing that is very hard in business is to actually make things practical. And it is very easy to dream. It is very easy to have ideas. It’s very easy to theorize. But some of the harder steps are actually translating the dreams into practicality. How do you actually make practical steps to accomplish your dream, and most people I have found in this journey, as people we fall on one of two sides of this one, we don’t dream, we just ship and do a lot of stuff or two, we do dream. And we do have a lot of vision. But we can’t translate it into actual execution. And we can’t translate it so production can begin moving it forward.

And I’m saying this because it’s so interesting that the journey really is based practically about how do I get from point A to point Z in how do I make sure that I cover each letter in every step in between. And so I want to talk about actually how to do this first, I think it’s very important to know that your goal, especially if in your leadership, or facilitating vision, or building in any form, or shaping, in business, any any kind of aspect of this, it is your job to make things practical is your job to translate things practically. And the way that you make stuff practical you take the vision, and then you outline What would actually have to happen for that vision to occur.

So the vision isn’t just for the company, the vision could be, say we’re building a table. And the vision is we want a table where all of our family can eat around. And where we can have Thanksgiving, we can celebrate, we can have Christmas, we can do all this stuff around this table, right? We want a place where we can all sit and then it really is part of the heart of the home. So that’s the vision. And then the next step is okay, What are the goals for us to actually get the table? What are the goals that need to be accomplished? What are the goals for us to actually build this thing? And so you start laying out goals. Well, we need an actual blueprint, we need to understand What kind of table we’re going to build. And so you set goals along the way. Then you set a bills and material list, What are your actual resources you need to accomplish all of these goals? What are the resources needed to actually build this table? What skill sets do you need, What type of physical materials do you need, and then also how much time needs to be allocated, right.

And so you have people resources, and you have physical resources, then you have time allocation resources. And so you would take those things and have a bill of materials to accomplish. And then each goal you take and break down also one of the goals is we need to have a tabletop, okay, you would start drafting out the tabletop, after you’ve had a complete clear picture of the table, you break it down and you pick it piece by piece. So you go from large, to medium to small. And so you have the large picture of this is exactly What the table looks like. This is What we want the finished product to look like. So you start with that, again, that clear vision, and then you’d break it down into medium pieces, you go into that tabletop. Alright, this is What the tabletop supposed to look like, Here’s all the pieces that go into the tabletop, here are all the different pieces we need. Here’s all the materials that go into this. And then you would do the same thing for the legs. And then you would do the same thing for all the supports and bracing, right.

And you would work that way. And it’s the same thing in business. So let’s say hey, we want to create a new revenue stream within the company. Awesome. What industry are we in? Does that matter for this? So you begin going down this path. What industry are we in? Does it matter? If we change industries doesn’t matter if we start something new. If our goal is to create new revenue stream within six months to 12 months within a year, maybe we should stay in the same industry to leverage What we have. And then you have a vision for What you want that revenue stream to be, okay. And then let’s just say it’s new product line. Okay, why are we doing this and then you begin breaking down each step along the way. So the total vision the completed version of this and then you break it down into medium sized pieces and small pieces. With a bill of materials, and then you’re able to really translate that to the team, and I’m just giving you the framework for how this works no matter What size of project you’re trying to complete.

So guys, I’m out of time, but I’ll catch you later peace.

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