Ep. 248 – Dreams


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, would you partner with me in changing lives? If you know somebody who would benefit or whose life would be changed for listening to this show. Would you partner with me and share it to them? I appreciate it.

Anyways, guys, today, I actually want to talk about dreams. And everybody has hopes and dreams and aspirations, right? And as little kids, we always talk about man, like, we get asked, What do you want to be, and it’s like, I want to be well, I don’t, I don’t know What your generation is like, but mine was very much a fireman, I want to be in the army, I want to be a police officer, I want to be a massive big truck driver for construction company. I want to go to space and be an astronaut all these things. And so even as kids, we dream, and we have aspirations, and I think it is so important, especially as an adult, that those do not die, it seems that part of What everybody thinks growing up means is that dreams and aspirations die. And they’ve got to die in order for you to be an adult or in or in order for you to function in society.

And I just want to say adulthood shouldn’t be where dreams aspirations die, rather, it really should be where they live. And part of the problem with dreams and aspirations is this, they really come from who you are. And if you haven’t actually practically decided who and What type of person you want to be, it’s hard to really dream. And then it’s hard to really go after your dreams. Now, Here’s the thing about dreams, right? They’re awesome. And you and you really could be and do whatever you want to be the problem where most people get hung up on in doing What they want to do is the steps to get there aren’t exactly What they thought it will look like. And that’s where people actually falter when it comes to running towards their dreams, or they give up and they quit, I don’t think you should quit. I actually think you should fight for What you want to fight for.

What is the point of life and going through the doldrums and just getting up monotonously and not wanting to fight to have the life you want to have the family you want and not really working towards a greater good that you’ve set in your heart, and a vision and a dream that you’ve really defined in your mind. And I think, again, I think this is so important, because a lot of us just get caught in the day to day humdrum of, I gotta wake up, I go to work, I eat my lunch, I go back to work. I’m driving home commute, like, if you’re in a commuter city, or I’m walking home, whatever, I’m going home, I eat dinner, I have a little bit of time, and then I quit. And the bigger thing is, is to realize this, you are valuable just because you are you not because of What you do.

And yes, I know there’s a whole side that you have to be valuable to society. And that’s important. But human life is valuable period. And that’s What I’m talking about. And so you are worth fighting for. And you’re worth doing something with your life. And that’s What I’m talking about. Yes, you may have to work, yes, there are stepping stones, there’s going to be a point in your life, that you have to grind. You have to get educated and learn the steps to accomplish What you want to accomplish don’t always look the same. For instance, I was talking to a really good friend of mine, you know, he wants to open up a company, him and his wife and all these things. And he’s working a job that he doesn’t like currently, it’s like no, you need to see that this is part of the path for you to get where you want to go and have your own business and start your entrepreneurial journey. This is part of it.

And then it really clicked in it’s like, oh, yeah, that’s so true. And so oftentimes the steps to get to the dream, the steps to get to the end goal, they don’t always look the same as you might think they would, they are going to take on different shape and size. And the other thing about this too is your dream could be different than everybody else’s. What if you just want to have a house, and you want to get married and have kids and that’s your dream? Okay, you don’t have to be Elon Musk, who’s trying to go to Mars, you’re not Elon Musk. And at that point, if you look at it this way, we’re just trying to argue What animal is better elephants or giraffes? And we’re going to argue till we’re blue in the face because there’s no definite way to measure that. How come your dream is less than because it may not seem as grandiose.

I think the best things in life are the simplest ones. And some of the best dreams in life are the simplest ones. And if your dream is to really have peace, and to have stability and live life do that. The problem is is when we just want to settle and when we quit and give up on ourselves. And that’s really What I’m talking about. Don’t give up on yourselves. Be inspired. Like that little kid forever ago who never thought that this was What life was going to be he always thought it was going to be something better and that they could run and pursue their passion.

Anyways guys, I’m gonna times I’ll catch you later. Peace

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