Ep. 250 – Labor vs Materials


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick before we start the show, which ya’ll partner with me, and help change lives, if you know somebody whose life would be bettered because of listen to the show, would you share it with them? if it would help them put more food on the table, if it would help them become a better person, if you know anybody like that, who just wants to grow and improve? Would you share this show with them? If not, would you guys really just leave a review for the show? That would be awesome. I really appreciate all the partnership guys and helping spread the word and change lives.

Well, anyways, I wanted to talk about one of my main focuses as a leader. And one of my main focuses as a leader is really to create a place that facilitates the team and the people around me becoming the best possible versions of themselves that they can be. And I’m actually going to incorporate something a well known saying that labor is expensive, and materials are cheap, I’m going to incorporate that saying they kind of break it down into this aspect of really facilitating the team to be the best that they can be, and to really allow them to grow and improve, then also build things. So for instance, oftentimes when we talk about materials, or cheap, labor expensive, it’s really from a cash flow perspective and a finance perspective in the business, which is true, it really impacts that.

However, looking at the opposite side, because labor is super expensive. That also means that the best investment a business can make is with their people, and with their team to really grow their team, to really actually change their team to really help their team and their people have a voice accomplish personal goals, better their lives outside of the company. And we oftentimes do not look at the team and the people as an investment. And we don’t often look at how the best investment in life that we can make is in others and in other people.

And so one of my first jobs that I had, and I’ve mentioned the story before, was we were trying to make production more efficient. And we like my boss came to me and said, Hey, we want to figure out how to make jobs more efficient, awesome. Hey, I see a problem. There’s parts all the way on one side of the warehouse. And all the productions on the other. And I’m talking about like this is like Costco is it’s an enormous warehouse. And so we would spend hours walking. And you know, it average between four of us around 250 $270,000 a year just in walking, right? And so, talk to my bosses, they didn’t want to hear the solution that’s fine part stayed on one side than the other. And the point is, is they didn’t look at they didn’t look at the problem, just from a financial standpoint, they didn’t look at the problem from a team standpoint, how can we actually better our team? How can we serve our team to help them produce more. And then also, that means that we don’t get to work weekends, they didn’t think about that they weren’t trying to like get rid of weekends, it was all just a lot of money, focus and financial focus in this example.

Ironically, it’s even though they are money focused, they didn’t actually see the problem that I was talking about. And they didn’t see that the simple solution was let’s just move the parts next to production. That’s besides the point. The point is, if they were actually had the heart to better take care of their team, to invest in their people, to give them a better life, all these other things, all these small changes would have already begun being made without there having to be a fire. See when your heart is to actually invest in your people, you actually become a fire preventer and not a firefighter, you’re actually thinking about What would better other people’s lives so naturally, and automatically, you will solve problems that will hurt your team or cause friction in your team, or are a pain point for your team. And if your heart is there to look, you’ll want to remove away problems and provide solutions to serve people.

One of the biggest goals of a leader is to be a stepping stone, just a servant. Somebody who facilitates, like I said, who facilitates the best possible versions of the team that they can be who will invest in people help them grow and improve not just in their work life, but in their personal life as well. If you’re a leader and you don’t know your team’s personal goals, and you’re not helping to facilitate them better their lives. You’re not really in leadership. Well, you are leadership, excuse me, you’re not really fulfilling the role of a leader. And I think it’s really important to see that if you really want to lead people You’ve got to invest in them. And if you don’t invest in them, it’s normally a sign that you don’t really invest in yourself. And so take it for yourself. Start investing in yourself and then in your team.

I’m out of time guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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