Ep. 253 – Investing In Others


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Real quick, guys, before we get into this, if you know somebody whose life would be changed for the better by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I really appreciate it.

Well, guys, to get right on into it, I really want to talk about investing in others. And I really want to talk about how I believe one of the best investments to make as an individual is into other people. And What I’m really talking about is really freely you’ve been given, right and freely you’ve received and so now freely you give, and it’s really paying it forward. First. It’s really this attitude and this mentality, of really just giving an investing in others. And now Here’s the thing, you, you don’t change people, people decide whether they want to be changed, people decide whether they do want to change. But What you can do is offer your services as a servant, to be a small part of their journey along the way, if they decide that that’s What they want you to be. And I think that is so important.

There’s a quote by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, I think that’s how you say it, but it, it goes long lines like this, treat people as if they were What they ought to be, and you help them to become What they are capable of. And the point of it is this. If you live a life, really treating people and facilitating and serving them, based on who they ought to be the best version of themselves, you’re going to watch people change around you, and you’re going to live a much happier life. Happiness is really found when you give your life away. And when you serve. We’re all built to serve, we’re all built to serve one another. We’re all built to serve everybody around us. And serving doesn’t mean to become subservient. It doesn’t mean to be a slave or anything like that serving is really predicated on a heart position of loving others.

And I really think that the best way to live life is really doing this, especially if you’re leading a team of people in business. Or if you’re leading your family, you got kids to raise, it is so important to serve them. And it’s especially kids because we chose and we do choose to have children, right? It’s not their choice. But it’s our choice after we have them to serve them to give them the best opportunity to become the best people that they can in the future, to where our ceilings are their floor. And I’m not talking about nepotism, just giving them everything in the now you’re just spreading corruption and decay and chaos across the world and into the next generation through nepotism. What I’m talking about is really serving and facilitating, really being the doorway, and to help open a door for them to walk through, to really move forward, grow and improve and be better people in life.

All real work in life is predicated on serving people, all real work is found serving people. And the all of business has really proven this. If you want to be a successful business, you look at all the major businesses from you know, Tesla to Amazon, to all all these major businesses like think about SpaceX right with What Elon is doing. You look at all of them, What are they predicated on serving humanity, and they are customer obsessed, that’s one of the basic business principles for a lot of big companies is to become customer obsessed. And really What it is, and is really just the heart to serve, and better people’s lives, like the best investments are made for industries and technologies that are going to impact and change everybody’s day to day life.

And the thing is this, it is a heart position to where you are willing to serve to do what’s best for you and best for others. And the way to serve people is you’re willing to do what’s best for you. And I’m not talking about being selfish. I’m not talking about being arrogant, and only doing things that benefits you. That’s not what’s best for you that’s actually harmful to you. That hurts you if you’re living the life that is predicated on selfishness, doing What best for you means making long term healthy decisions and choices that move me forward in life and then open the door for everybody around me to be changed and bettered predicated on the decisions I’m making. And you can look at the outcomes, the decisions you’ve made, and you can look at the outcomes of your actions and really judge yourself to see whether you’re actually operating this heart position and others.

And I’m just gonna say this, again, the best investment that you can make as an individual is into somebody else. Well, I’m out of time guys. I’ll catch you later. Peace

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