Ep. 262 – The Ability To Adapt


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants, I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So today, guys, I really wanted to talk about the ability to adapt. And I want to talk about how it’s so important to really actually develop the skill set.

So if you’ve ever heard of the term multitasking, and that you’re multitasker, you do multiple tasks at once, it’s really not true. We as people really only functional as single processors, one task at a time. And that’s true across the board. Multitasking, really What it truly is, is really the ability to adapt and change quickly, right? To a different task to a different situation to a different, you know, whatever conversation whatever is happening in the moment. And I’m saying this, because really there are are two types of people one, one type of person really has the ability to adapt and move around very quickly. And change as things change throughout the day, throughout the month. The other type of individual is change resistant. And that is why I’m talking about this because resistance to change can also be be a problem just in life.

Because the truth about life is it is very fluid. Okay. And then because life is very fluid, if you slowly adapt your, it is actually harder for you to grow, you are slower to grow. And you’re slower to change as an individual. And if one of your goals in life is to continue to improve, continue to better yourself and to continue to better your life, you’re going to want to be able to adapt to things faster, you’re going to want to be able to embrace change more quicker. And you want to be able to see how change is actually healthy, and how. And this really comes back to the heart position of everything happens for you in life not to you, everything really happens for you. And it’s a gift, even if at first glance, it seems negative.

And the other thing that this comes back to is the ability to be wrong. Because if you’re able to be wrong, and the faster you’re able to be wrong, the faster you’re going to be able to adapt and change. And the faster you’re going to be able to make a U turn in life. So if you think about it like this, you’re driving down the road, you miss your turn, you don’t even realize you miss your turn, and then you realize you’re in a wrong area, or something’s not right. And so you make a U turn to course correct? Well, the slower you are, and the more resistant to change you are, the longer you’re going to be headed in that wrong direction, the longer it’s going to take you to do a u turn. Okay.

And in life, it’s really important to have speed, it’s very important to have momentum. And it’s very important to recognize when we’re wrong quickly, so that we can change quickly. And most people think that being wrong is the end of the world for whatever reason. It’s like this, this deep hidden fear. And all of us where if I’m wrong, it’s the end of the world. And it’s really not true. It’s just as simple as Oh, I missed my turn, I need to actually just turn around, right, I need to make a U turn. But if we’re not actually going to recognize that we’re wrong, we’re not going to be able to change. And then if we’re not going to be able to change, then other things happen, oh, I didn’t realize I was heading the wrong direction. Now I’m late for my interview, or I’m late for my appointment. And it messes up my day, or it messes up my life plan because if your head for a really important interview, and you didn’t turn around, and you didn’t course correct enough time, you’re going to be late. And then you’re not getting that dream job, or you’re not getting the job that you need to really be the next step in your life to accomplish your goals.

And so slow adaptation is really it can be a big hindrance to us as people moving throughout life. Because again, everything in life is fluid. It is constantly changing. And nothing is always as we think it is we have a lot of preconceived notions and preconceived expectations and thoughts about how things should turn out how things should work, and how things, how things should work together and What it will look like. But oftentimes, those are not true, because they’re all preconceived, oftentimes are not based on real experiences, or they’re only based on partial experiences, because the same experience isn’t universal, right?

So as a result, if we’re slow to adapt, we’re not going to recognize when those expectations are broken. And then we’re not going to be able to grow and learn and actually understand What is happening in the current setting. When I’m going down the journey to actually accomplish my goals or when I’m going to that place in life that I want to be when I’m trying to actually have a family or have a job that I want or build the life I want the expectations to open up a business when we did were the true expectations of What is really required or What it looks like is radically different than What Andrew and I actually had in our minds.

And adaptation fast or slow keeps us in false expectations or allows us to actually change to move into What it really is. Well, guys, I’m way over on time, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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