Ep. 263 – Choice First, Process Second


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, would you guys partner with me in changing lives? if you know somebody whose life would be better, or whose life would be improved by listening to the show Would you share it with them? I appreciate the partnership guys.

Well, today, I actually wanted to talk about choice first and process second, or essentially, it is choose first. And then the journey starts. And I want to talk about this, because there’s a lot of choices in life that are really big. And they’re monumental, oftentimes, that we have to make. And we get caught in trying to understand every nuance and every detail of the journey and of the process, before actually deciding to jump in. And What happens is, we actually fall into a trap that doesn’t allow us to move forward. So everything in our life at that moment really begins to stagnate. And the reason for that is, it would be like trying to climb Mount Everest, and understand every aspect along the way. Along the mountain side, all the storms, we’re going to experience the food, the tent, the smells, all the hard work, the oxygen deprivation, it’d be like trying to understand and experience that all firsthand, in order to make the decision to actually climb it.

In other words, we want the experience first and to understand everything before we actually make the decision to do it. And that’s not how it works. When Andrew and I first started the company, and first started doing business, we didn’t know everything that was going to happen. And the way the journey for us began in business was to choose to do it first. And then the journey followed afterwards or the process. See, we want to know the process. And we want to understand a lot of times before making a decision to move forward. And the majority of the time, that’s not going to be the case. And this is why doing things and shipping things and failing fast, really matter. Because in order to move forward in life, especially with big decisions, you’ve got to get better at making decisions. And the best way to get better is to practice at making them.

So you practice, then you got to fail, learn, grow, and then repeat, try it again. And this is why it’s important to be wrong and to fail fast. Because if you’re wrong, you can find where you have made mistakes and that this was a bad decision quickly, be wrong, and then course correct. But it’s very hard when we’re trying to find the perfect answer in a perfect solution. Before making the decision, we want to understand what’s going to happen all the way from A to Z. And that’s not the reality, in most cases in life for decision making, whether it’s buying a house, whether it’s getting married, whether it’s even accepting a new position at a different job, whether it’s even getting promotion.

Sure you can have people walk you through expectations, you can have people more experienced than yourself talk through all of these things. But if you don’t understand how to process and fail quickly after the decisions made, and you don’t understand how to judge, and how to actually assess your situation and the decision that was made to change, you’re not going to be able to move forward in life. And you’re also going to be caught without making the decision caught in the process of like, well is this actually really What I want to do. Do I like this, you’re not going to know unless you just choose first.

And the principle that I’m really talking about is choice comes first. And then the journey comes second, you must choose first to climb Mount Everest before you begin the process of training, preparing, planning, and then actually completing that journey. And this is how everything in life works. Choice always comes first. And then it’s preceded by the journey. And sometimes it’s scary, depending on the type of decision we’re making. But that’s why it’s important to have courage.

It is so important to have courage and in life and to be bold, and to really be fearless because especially in today’s society, like we don’t have anybody trying to come hunt us down and kill us. We’re not at war. We are not afraid of natural predators. Currently, that’s not a main concern in our lives and all this stuff. And so, the fear oftentimes is well I’m just gonna screw up my life and it’s like, okay, yeah, you might have screwed up a decision, but it’s not like it is done and set in stone for the rest of your life. You can choose to fail be wrong and then course correct later. But don’t get caught in the trap of I want to understand everything in every nuance that is going to happen to me before I decide whether to do this. And on the flip side, I’m not saying don’t gather information and expectations, but oftentimes we get caught in trying to figure out the process first all of it before choosing and it’s never gonna work that way.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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