Ep. 268 – The Best Outcomes Come From Inspiring Others


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I appreciate y’all tuning in hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you good, I’m doing better than I deserve. Personally, I’m really blessed and highly favored.

Well, guys, I’m just gonna go ahead and get straight into this. And I want to talk about just a very important aspect of leadership. And that’s inspiration. I heard a quote, and I don’t remember who said it, it’s an older gentleman, he’s passed away, I think from the 17th century, so a lot older. But one thing he said is if you treat people, not based on who they are today, but who they can become and will become, they will become that person. And the point of me saying this is simply this, the best outcomes in leadership come from inspiring others.

And I think that oftentimes, we do not develop people, the way that we should as leaders, right, we focus on outcomes, we focus on production, we focus on the checklist. And we forget the human side of business, we forget the human side of that every person, every team member that works with us, they have goals, they have dreams, they have aspirations, and if they’ve allowed me to come into their life as an authority as a leader, right, and if they’ve trusted me in this position in even if it’s a small area of their life, on their work life, right? That’s a huge responsibility. And if I’m not helping invest in them, if I’m not helping them and inspiring them to invest in themselves to become better, I’m failing in leadership, one of the most important aspects of leadership is making others greater than you, making them greater than you better than you. That’s the whole point. Right?

That’s essentially everything, when it comes to leadership is to be a stepping stone for people, to be a servant to help elevate them into this next position, and stage into life to be a facilitator or a doorway, for people to move forward and better themselves. Oftentimes, it really gets lost, especially in the workplace, because well, we’ve got deadlines to meet, we’ve got projects to finish, we’ve got to make sure that we meet our KPIs, we’ve got wait times that needs to go down, we have all these things. But we’re not taking care of the human side, we’re only taking care of the work side, and only taking care of the production side. And as a result, some of the unintended consequences just from only focusing on the work, Here’s some of the content consequences occur. There’s no longer a safe place to talk because everything’s production work focus. So if you’re talking about things and dreams and goals, if you’re talking about all this stuff, well, that’s now removed from the culture. And so now you’re developing a team that really doesn’t talk.

And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be highly focused in work. I’m not saying that you’re not there to produce, but the whole point of having a job. And the whole point of working on any side of where you’re at, is to accomplish personal dreams and goals, whether it’s just to own a house, have a family, have some kids have a dog and do the normal American dream, right? And so, if that’s been taken out of the workplace now, instead of What inspiration that’s coming in, or steps to move forward, and what’s beginning to happen now, is that the team is having an influx of toxicity. Let me bottle things up. Let me not talk about this, right. And if you can’t talk about dreams and goals, and you’re not on this level, to where you’re actually helping each other, get where they need to go. Then at that point, What are you actually cultivating the culture.

So talking is not there, openness is not there. And if you’re not open to talk about dreams and goals, you might not be open to talking about correction. Maybe you are, but maybe you’re not open to talking about problems at that point. And then What happens is you begin removing a lot of the camaraderie, we’ve got each other’s backs, well, that begins to disappear. Having each other’s backs begins to disappear, because you’re not actually talking about one the unified goal as a team, but also everybody else’s outside individual desires.

Not everybody is living and breathing and working for the company. If you own stock in a company and your team doesn’t, they’re not going to have the same amount of ownership you do. They don’t have an actual material investment of ownership within the business. And so if you’re not doing your best to facilitate What they are invested in, and if you’re not doing their best to inspire them to better themselves in the areas of life that they are invested in, such as their personal lives, their family lives, becoming a better person, right, you’re not going to actually develop a culture of greatness and success with your team.

And so part of the focus as a leader is to inspire people to move forward to be better for them to be a better version of them of today or tomorrow. And so every day, they’re helping you’re helping them move forward to who they really want to end up being at the end of their life. So anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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