Ep. 278 – Past, Present and Future


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick. If you know somebody who would benefit from hearing this show who would get value from it, whose life would be better to change? Would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, I want to talk today about navigating life. And I want to talk about one of the qualities of somebody who is great at navigating life and the journey of life. And this really applies to everybody. Okay? A lot of this really came about in my life as I did business, and I move forward in business. And then realizing how you move forward in the business and how you actually understand what’s going to really come down the pipeline tomorrow, understand what’s happening today, and understand What happened before. And it’s really having a good grasp on the past the present in the future.

What happens is, most times in life, we are really good at living in one, we’re really good at looking at one and living in one. So I’ll oftentimes, there are people who will try to live in the past, right? To try to live in the past, trying to redo things trying to prevent things, all this stuff. There’s people who are really good living today, hey, I’m just living day to day, day to day, day to day and then their strengths living in the future, like looking at the future, saying What is going to happen, What is going to What is going to be the result of when we get there? How are these changes going to occur and looking and so there’s different strengths. But if you’re really going to be great at navigating the lot at navigating life, you must be good at looking at all three of these timelines, all three of these time periods.

And you must be aware of What is happening in both so like great managers, and great managers really look at the past. And then they really look at the middle, the present. And they talk about how do we avoid making those same mistakes? How do we avoid repeating repeating those same mistakes, great entrepreneurs have a very strong skill set and looking at the future and being able to have a lot of pattern recognition from today in the past to realize What is actually going to come down the pipeline in the future. They don’t have solid events to directly dictate this. This is based off experience and pattern recognition. And if you’re going to live life, really and navigate it really well, you’ve got to look at all three. So you got to look at the past to learn.

And I’m not talking about looking at the past to give you ammunition to just tear yourself down. And think how horrible you’ve been because of all these bad mistakes you’ve made. Cool. You’re in the same boat everybody else has. Everybody has made a lot of dumb decisions, including myself has has made a lot of dumb choices. And What matters is What you’re going to do about it today. What are you going to do about it moving forward? That’s really What matters. And so going to the past, the past is really used for education and learning. I made these decisions, What were the consequences of these decisions and consequences are bad. It’s just the outcome. So What were the outcomes of my decisions? both good and bad? Right. And then from there, What can I do to either repeat and get the same outcome if it’s a desired outcome, and What can I do to change to avoid any outcomes that are undesired.

And then from there in the present, it’s applying that decision making process or it’s building a solution to prevent these things in the business. And then looking at the future, and then going through and vetting and walking down the stages. Okay, if we do this, these are the outcomes we should be expecting. This is What should occur, this is What should happen. And then measuring to see if that does happen. And if you’re going to navigate life, you have to have a healthy balance in all three of these timeframes. Find out What you’re good at, find out What you’re strong at, find out where you’re weak at. And you should start in your weakest.

Andrew and I talked about this calling that truck B, you always find your weakest point or the point where you can get the most improvement in the most growth with the minimal amount of effort. So for instance, when you’re up in the top tier Olympic races, right, and you’re trying to save like a 10th off your runtime, and I’m just making this up, but you’re trying to save like a 10th of your runtime or 100th of a second off, you’re on time. That’s hours and hours of technique and practice training. But in order to get up into a pretty high percentile for runners or to become a mediocre runner or medium runner from nothing. It takes way less work and maybe only a couple hours of coaching, and then a couple hours of practice and then all of a sudden my running form has had a massive jump and improvement.

And so the most gains that you’ll find and accompany the most gains you’ll find in your life are when you actually start at your lowest performing aspects in life. So find out which one you’re bad at looking at. Find out which one scares you. If you’re afraid of it or find out which one you know you don’t know how to look at or don’t know how to analyze well and then begin to learning and changing and this is going to help you make that Decisions this is going to help you direct and guide your life in a much better way. And again, it’s a healthy balance of all three.

Well guys, I’m out of time. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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