Ep. 284 – You Already Have Everything You Need


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, I hope you’re doing well. I’m doing well, life is treating me better than I deserve. And life has been really good.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about having a mindset of that you already have everything you need. So oftentimes, when it comes to starting a new venture, or company, or when it comes to shipping something new or building something, oftentimes, it’s very easy to get into a mindset of I don’t have the pieces that I need to accomplish What I need to accomplish. And as a result, we never ship anything, we never take the first step, we never move forward. And then we get into this pattern of getting stuck, we start getting stuck in trying to figure out everything that I do need and trying to figure out how we’re going to operate, you know, 10 years down the road, how we’re gonna have the money for that, how we’re going to have financing for that, What are we gonna do with companies that big instead of just stopping and looking at your current situation.

Having a self assessment of where you’re currently at, to really see and understand that you already have everything you need, you have the intelligence, you need to start it, you probably already have the basic skill sets required to start whatever you’re about to start. And let me say it like this, oftentimes, we don’t see What we have, right? We don’t see What we have. So we constantly think that we don’t have anything. And if you stop and look at What you do have, if you take if you take inventory of What is actually currently available to you, normally, you’ll find that you already have everything you need to start and then after that the pathway to begin is very easy and clear. And this is for business, right? You’re not going to start and be Google, Google even took 10 years to get to a point where it was like, Okay, we’re bigger. Same thing with Amazon. Same thing with all of the other companies that you look at, you’re looking at, you know, 20 3050 year variations of themselves, as large as they are. And they all started out somewhere.

There’s a proverb that says, Don’t despise small beginnings. And it’s really true. Just because you got to start small doesn’t mean you’re going to end small. And it’s not about size, either me saying that’s not about being big. It’s not about being massive. It’s really about What are you building? And why are you building it? And why do you want to build it that way? There’s something to be said about boutique, and custom. And there’s various and there’s something to be said about being smaller and being small on purpose and building that way. And I’m going to go back to the original point, though, really about you already have everything you need. All the resources that you need to move forward all the resources that you need to build all the resources that you need in order to move into step two of life, you already have them all in already at your hands.

It’s really just a matter of sight. Do you see it? And do you understand What it’s worth? Do you understand What it’s actually worth and the value of What you have? Oftentimes, we really undervalue the things we do have discontentment is a plague for day to day in our long term vision. And it really distorts. And it really destroys long term objectivity, and long term production, being discontent. And so if you look at What you have, and then you’re able to take stock of it, and then you actually make the choice to value What you have, life is radically going to change. Oftentimes, you don’t need to look outside of yourself for the solution you already have everything you need. And that’s just another way of What I’m saying.

Another way to say it, of everything I’m trying to come across, because I see oftentimes a lot of people will talk and I’ve been in this trap, Andrew and I have been in this trap where it’s like, oh, we need this, oh, we need that. And some of the best work we’ve ever done this one, we’re like, cool, we’re gonna stop that. Because we don’t have those things anyways, currently, because if I’m saying I need something, What it really is, I want it because I don’t have it. And so we were like, cool, we’re gonna stop that train of thought. We can only do work with where we’re at. We can only work with where we’re at. And we’re only allowed to work with the things that we have in our current inventory. What are those things then What are we can produce, and you’d be amazed at some of the solutions, you’ve come up with some of the creativity that flows out of those boundaries, right?

And you’d be amazed at yourself What you would be able to come up with and then how you’re actually going to be able to develop solutions to move forward it you will amaze yourself, right? If you’re thinking about starting a startup having an app and all this other stuff why any Destiny developers and coders is like Nope, there’s pathways to get where you want to get that are currently within your reach and grasp. You just can’t see them yet. Or you do see them and you’ve undervalued them and you don’t have understand the value that they currently have. That being said, Guys just look at What you have and take stock and inventory and make do with What you have because it’s going to be better than just getting stuck in I want this.

Anyways guys I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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