Ep. 285 – Your Journey


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hope life is treating you guys well, it’s treating me better than I deserve. For real quick, guys, before we get into this, if you know somebody whose life would change or benefit by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, today I want to talk about the journey. And specifically, I want to talk about your journey. So there are two sides to self improvement, right? First is, knowing What you need to do and identifying the areas in your life that you need to improve in creating the plan the next step, right. The second side of self improvement is really self acceptance, you must accept who you are, you must accept the way that you are right your personality, your giftings your talents, you’ve got to accept the way that you’re made. And then from there, you got to also accept your day to day where you currently are at in the journey. It is very easy to get trapped in the I’m not good enough. And it’s very easy to get trapped into the I want to be there. Why am I not there. And you’re only at today. So as far as you’ve come and your journey you’re at today.

And that being said, it leads me up to this part of the conversation or this part of the show. You have a very specific journey that is unique to you. And it’s the only journey that is like yours. And other journeys may be similar. Other people’s journeys may look similar. And you can look at other people’s journeys and glean lessons from them. But yours is yours alone to do with What you want. And that being said, it’s your responsibility to walk out What your life looks like, and how you’re going to conduct yourself through life, how you’re going to operate through life, how you’re going to dream, how you’re going to build, how you’re going to create the life that you want, in this world, how you’re going to actually progress as a person and as a member of society. Right? How you’re going to be a part of all these things. It’s your journey.

And oftentimes, I find that we are afraid of taking responsibility for our own lives, we’re afraid of being responsible. But one of the best things that we actually can be in life is responsible, responsible, the life that we’ve been given, responsible with where we’ve been given it, right, because I’ve been born in this very specific time at this very specific moment in living life. Right now. Very specifically, I’m not you know, I’m not being born, I’m not being born, listen to me, I was not born, you know, 100 years ago, 20 years ago. And so I am responsible for where I’m at now. This is my journey. This is my piece in journey. This is my piece as part of history and things like that. The other thing about this too, is because it’s your journey, there are no cookie cutter answers. I made another episode. And you know, it was a while back couple days ago, maybe a week. I don’t know, it was a while ago. But the point is, is I talked about how all answers in life are multifaceted. All problems in life are multifaceted. And that’s the same thing. They’re no cookie cutter answers.

Just because you have to do a budget and be responsible with money, and I have to be responsible with money doesn’t mean we’re going to do it the same way, it doesn’t mean that our solutions are going to be same, because you might need something different than I do. Things might matter more to you than they matter to me. And you’re going to craft it differently based off What you need and What you want. versus me. Because we’re different in our journeys are different. And oftentimes, it’s very easy to get caught up in trying to look like someone else or be someone else. And not being yourself. I think one of the hardest things to do in life is actually be yourself.

Because oftentimes, there’s a lot of deep hatred of who we are. We don’t like who we are. We don’t like the decisions we made. You know. And there’s there’s a whole process to forgiving yourself for a lot of things that you know you shouldn’t have done or regret doing. Regrets also a good thing though, as well if it helps you learn. And if you actually learn from the mistakes you’ve made. All that being said, Your journey is made up of both the big wins, the big losses and the little wins, the little losses, and the medium sized pieces, everything and it’s really accepting all those parts of yourself. And then really understanding that, okay, Today’s a new day, and you get to continue forward towards the final destination and goal of your life where you want to be in What you want to be like. It’s not over until it’s over.

And the two things that hinder people in their journeys. Most are wanting to be somebody else. And then also not looking at themselves to know who they are. So if you really want to be great at your journey, you really want to be great at this aspect of life and building the life you want. You’ve got to know who you are, and that includes your weaknesses and strengths. That includes knowing the mistakes you made and also knowing the wins anyways guys, I’m out of time. So I’ll catch you later peace

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