Ep. 292 – Clarity and Simplicity


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, hope life’s treating you well, I’m doing better than I deserve. Real quick, guys, before we get into this, if you know somebody whose life would be better by listening to the show. Would you share it with them, I really appreciate your help and spreading the word guys.

So anyways, now that I’ve stumbled through that I want to talk about, I want to talk about how it is so important in life to be clear. And I also want to talk about how simple life is. Well, let’s just talk about clarity first. So clarity, I think is really important. Like just the simple aspect of getting clear, having clear understanding and clear vision of that What you’re going to do, where you’re headed in life, where you’re headed in your career, where you’re headed as a business and, and as an entrepreneur. And the more clear you are, the more easy you’re going to find the work that you need to actually do the real meaningful work that adds to your life, the more easy you’re going to find it to be able to do that work. And the quicker that work is going to get done.

See when we get muddled when we are unclear about What we’re supposed to do, all these other things begin to set in, right you have hopelessness start to set in, why don’t know What to do, it’s never going to happen. It’s because you don’t see the path to get there. And by the way, there’s a lot of psychology about how we’re built for the journey. And if you ever look up dopamine release, and based on the journey and things like that, you go Google these sorts of things, were read, and I’m saying Google, because everything is on there if you want to learn, and you read about how we’re built for the journey, how that releases dopamine, this goes hand in hand with that, because What I’m talking about is if you’re clear on the pathway out of where you’re at, like if you’re stuck, if you’re miserable, if you’re trying to get out of poverty, if you’re trying to build something and have a meaningful life, it’s the journey, and having a clear pathway to do it that really is uplifting. And that helps motivate you. But the problem is lack of clarity.

Oftentimes, when we say how do you do that? What we really mean, What we really mean, when we say that is? I don’t see that? I don’t see the way to accomplish that, not how when we ask how we’re like, how do you do that? We normally get the wrong answer. So if you ever asked the wrong question, you’re going to get the wrong answer. Versus I don’t see that. How are we going to accomplish that, like Andrew and I talked about this, we have two different types of sights. I have a lot of future focus sight and built sight. And Andrew has a lot of present sight and past sight. Andrews gifting is amazing when it comes to improvement. So he does Yes. How How are we going to do this? How we’re going to fix this problem. But how is normally for the past, we see the problem that occurred, we understand the consequences it put in our life? And then how are we going to keep it from happening again? So how is a really more of a past focused question, right?

Versus I don’t see that, or I need to see that is more of a future focused thought. And when we’re trying to get out in life or when when we’re looking at the future? Normally, we ask how and again, oftentimes, that’s a better past, past facing question. We don’t get the answer we’re looking for, instead of instead of being like, oh, man, I don’t see that. Why can’t I see that? And you start asking, why can I not see a way out What standing in my way of seeing the pathway out of this? What is standing in my way of seeing the journey to get out of the position I’m in? And What is the way forward instead of asking those questions and we start asking how we get stuck.

And so clarity, in having clarity of vision and having clarity, in in this we’re simplicity comes along, having simplicity come into your life, it will really help generate a large, a large portion of your forward momentum into the future. Not all of it, but a large portion of it. And it is going to generate an ability in you that will help continue moving you down the road. And oftentimes, lack of motivation really comes from a lack of clarity. We find ourselves often unmotivated, not because not because the end goal doesn’t excite us. We don’t see the current steps in front of us to accomplish that end goal. And oftentimes when you quit, the the biggest thing that most people quit over is the unknown.

I remember going on long, long runs with somebody else leading the run. And it would kill me not knowing where the finish line is because we just go run in the woods and be like, where the crap is the finish line and they would know and I wouldn’t know. Even though I’d run In this distance multiple multiple times, What made it hard was I don’t know where the finish line is, I have no point of reference with where we’re running. So the unknown, the thought that this is never going to be ending actually was the hardest part to overcome, not the endurance.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later. Hope you have a great day peace

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