Ep. 305 – Incomplete Info


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, would you partner with me in changing lives? If you know somebody whose life would be better by listening to the show. If they’re trying to start a business, or if they’re trying to better their career, would you partner with me and share it with them? Appreciate it.

Well, last time, I talked about survivorship bias and how having the right information is normally half the problem of trying to solve the problem. And I really want to talk about having the right information. So it is very important to have right information when you’re making decisions. And I’ve talked about this before. And I’m just going to rehash a little bit. To get us on the same page, it is so important to have the right information. Because if you have the wrong information, you’re guaranteed to make a wrong decision. If you have the right information, it doesn’t guarantee that you’re gonna make the right decision. And half the journey is to collect the information you need. And oftentimes you don’t know What information you need, because you actually don’t know your objective. If you can understand the objective of What you’re trying to build in accomplish, and then begin breaking that objective down into medium sized pieces. So going from a large objective to medium sized pieces, you are then going to be able to determine the information you need.

And this is where a lot of people believe that expertise is so important. And I’m I’m not against expertise. I’m not against skill sets. But What I am a big fan of and What I really believe deeply in is processing and logic and critical thinking. So if you can critically think if you can apply logic, and if you have sound processing, you can work out most of your problems for What you need. And then you can either partner with people who have the skill sets or who get that skill set yourself. So let me give you an example of this. information gathering is normally the first step in actually building anything, What do you actually need to build? Why are you building it? What are the pieces needed, all of that is information, I need information to tell me the pieces I need to build.

So if I’m going to start a let’s just say if I want to build a barn in my backyard, I need to start with my purpose, What is the barn going to be used for, and then I need to begin documenting that purpose. And then after I have all the needs, and after I have all the things that the barn is going to be used for from there, I am then going to begin breaking that down into smaller pieces. Okay, What is the barn actually going to be made out of? Why is it going to be made out of how are we going to architect the barn and begin asking other questions. And the point of all of this is to simply do this with a project, I have clear, concise information that I can then communicate to partners, or then can you utilize myself to complete the project. And this is oftentimes where the breakdown happens in the company break down or really happens. Where you have somebody who can communicate high level vision, and then you have somebody who can, who was very technical, and then they can’t meet in the middle to actually translate the vision for technical, they can’t take anything.

And so if you have the correct information, if you have the things that you need all of the facts, all of the purposes and all this information pre discovered for whatever you’re going to build, you’re actually going to then be able to translate that into work and the translation process is oftentimes What is hard. I’m saying this because it’s so important, as you’re building a business, you need information, and you need to understand why you’re building things. Oftentimes, when we start a company or when we start a new aspect of a company, we’re not thinking about the customer, we don’t think about What the customer wants and needs. We’re thinking about how do we make money? Well, that’s only half of the equation. And that’s only half of the information you need to gather. And then the other half is What does the customer actually want? What did they find valuable? Why would they pay for this? What really matters to them.

I brought up in the last episode, the maintenance example of the maintenance guy coming in to repair and work on my house and he did a thing with the fridge and What I said well, I cared about I cared about the fridge door being open for a long period of time and my food going bad, I cared about the cleanliness of the house I cared about whether he was going to be clean or not and cleaned up after himself. I’ve used the example of a plumber coming into a house a lot of times the customer cares about whether you’re going to vacuum and sweep and clean. They don’t care about What type of pipe you’re using. That’s that’s why they partnered with you for that technical knowledge and skill set. But they also partnered with you to trust you to take care of What they really wanted, which was the house being clean, you’re friendly and personable talkable but all of that is information you need if you’re going to build this upfront.

And so information is one of the most vital aspects to Some people call it data in marketing you call it data. It’s really just information in terms of decision making, building creation and serving. Just information about What really matters is so important across the board.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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