Ep. 312 – Unique vs Universal Language


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m, guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, would you partner with me in changing lives? Would you share this show with somebody that you know would benefit from it. And if you want to share it, college kid would be great. Somebody that you know, is either just starting out in life or wants to better their life straight out of school. I appreciate it.

Well, guys, I want to talk about language, and how language is so important first, the way that we use language in the way that we discuss matters in life really defines how well we are acquainted with a subject we’re talking about. The simpler, we are able to talk about things, the more practical, we’re able to talk about things that actually it actually demonstrates, the more we know about the matter, and how much more comfortable we are with it. Second Language is What creates unity, it’s a key component to unity, it’s a key component to teamwork, it’s a key component in partnership. And language is vital for how you’re going to move forward. And this is one of the reasons why it is so important to know it is when you’re working with a client, and you’re using language to create a website, they might not know What you’re talking about, you’re using language to install your services.

Like hey, we’re a lawn care service. Alright, they may have a different idea than What you’re talking about, hey, we do electrical services, we prioritize safety Well, What does safety mean to you versus them safety might mean to you is your the power cut off to the house before you’re working? So nobody gets electrocuted safety to them might mean that they want ladders out the windows to escape in case of a fire. I have no idea What a safe mean. And so if you look at it, everybody has their own unique definitions of words. And we, we create our own definitions individually through experiences through our history, right? And then through our own Cognizant thinking, like What we decide for that word to mean. Now, Here’s the thing that I want to get to, I want to talk about great work because everybody’s like, Oh, we do great work, we do great work. What does that mean? Do you have it defined?

See Andrew and I one of the things that we’ve built in our even currently consistently working on is an internal company, dictionary. This is What we mean when we say these words, it’s for ourselves, first, our clients get get it, because then we start defining these words to clients, right, and then our team gets it too. But the language and having universally understood definitions for the language we’re using creates unity creates teamwork, it creates better healthy partnership with our team, it creates better healthy partnerships with our clients. It creates a whole culture based around definitions that we’ve agreed on as a group as a whole. And as a result, our speed and work efficiency goes through the roof because we talk about What we’re doing. Right? To give you an example, one thing that we do is we use a phrase called the ball, I’m passing the ball to you. And we know that that means that the other person had now has the work in a release to work, we know that it has moved, the work has moved from one workstation to another, it’s moved from one individual or one team lead to another team lead, it’s moved from one department to another whatever it is, and it creates speed and efficiency because now it’s universal, right?

It’s universally understood this is you can look at how language really radically affects how we think how we feel how we talk and interact with one another. If you look at the different cultures nationally, right, and you can even see, if you’re in the US, you can see how language affects us state by state how we use certain words. You can see if you talk about English, you go to the UK, you go here, you go to Australia and even go to India, and you look at the four types of English that are being used. They’re actually radically different languages that just sound the same. They don’t have the same meaning they don’t have the same cultural context, they don’t have the same universal definitions.

And this is where it’s so important. Because if you’re talking to customers and clients and you’re talking about What your project is going to be, and you’re not defining, hey, this is What we mean by that, because you got to give them your definition of it. And then you might even be worthwhile asking for their definition. What do you mean by that? And if you’re not defining those things, you’re gonna watch stuff break most, most problems and fires that we have in organizations are literally through communication, and through definitional errors. And What I mean by definitional errors, I say a word you say a word we think we’re on the same page, we meant two totally radically different things. And that’s a definitional error and that causes fires that causes partnership breaks. That seems to be where promises that we said we’re going to keep fall apart now if you’re not actually doing the real work to complete your promise of course is going to fall apart but if you are and you’re still experiencing problems, it might be a language issue.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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