Ep. 336 – Breaking Free from Comparison: Becoming You


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, for today, guys, I want to talk about you being you. And I think this is super important specially because of really one of the major impacts that social media has had in our lives, it’s opened up the door for us to much more easily compare ourselves to other people want What they have wish we were like them and all these things. And now, I am a firm believer and ownership that you’re in control of the decisions you make, like social media doesn’t make us do this, it is our choice, right. And if we know that we’re prone to self compare, and we know that we have low self worth why are you on it, right.

And so that is kind of where I stand with that. But the point of where I’m trying to get is, you are you and you need to be you. And the only thing in life that matters, you know, when it comes to making decisions for yourself personally are to become a better version of you, somebody who actually provides value in society, somebody who actually provides value to be around who, when you’re with other people, you better the people that are around you, besides you, right, you add value to their lives, how all it takes is you loving yourself, you loving yourself to be the person that you want to be, right, you loving yourself and choosing out of identity place that this is who I’m going to be. And these are the actions that type of person would take. And so that’s What I’m going to do.

Like one of my personal goals is I don’t want to be a different man behind closed doors, open doors and closed doors, I want to be the same person, I don’t want to be two different people, I don’t want to create two personalities in two different personas. There’s no reason for that, right? And the way that I care and have empathy towards people and compassion, and all this other stuff, I want to have that at home, I want to have that at work, right, the way I make decisions, the way that I understand the world around me by observing it by running through it by doing all these things, I want to be in that and I want to have my life be the same, I don’t want to be this person. That’s two different people, okay. And so as a result, I make decisions based off that.

I also want to be better at public speaking, I also want to be better at or rating, I also want to be better at leading and delegating, I also want to be better at fostering culture within the company, I want to be better at these things. And as a result, I’m going to make decisions to better that side of me and to better those things in my life. And now Here’s the thing, if I’m showing up to do that, I’m going to show up to be the person that I told my wife, I would be, I don’t have to worry about keeping that promise. I’m keeping the promises to myself, it’s so interesting, because we’ll keep promises that we’ve made to other people, right, we’ll keep promises that we made to other people, but we won’t keep promises to ourselves, right, it’s very easy to get up and go to the job, or to keep an appointment because you have a friend waiting on you. But when nobody’s waiting on you, it’s very hard to get up to do the things that you want to do.

And that actually shows you some of the internal workings in your heart by the way. And so the internal workings and belief sets, right, and then you’re at that point your image based in image focus, caring more about What people think of you, than really What you think of yourself and caring more about What people think of you and how they perceive you. Rather than you becoming the person you need to be in saying no. And if you want to really let go of how people perceive you start doing the things for you start doing the decisions for you start doing the actions for you start doing the thoughts for you, and the style of thinking you need to have and really move forward in that.

And I’m saying this because all of this comes back into where Andrew and I have worked in the company is we want everybody to be them. We don’t need the second Michael Abernathy, we don’t need a second Andrew Edwards. We need other people in our lives, who are great at What they do. They’re passionate about What they do. And then they have chosen to trust us with a vision and to be a part of a team with us and then move forward. And so we want to cultivate that.

And I’m sharing this with you because this is the journey in business. Most people compete in business, they look at the competitors and go oh man, I need to do this need to do that versus you know What, I’m not them. And there is a real thing like market share market cap there. There are those things right. However, the heart position in the mindset in the belief shouldn’t be, oh, man, I’m constantly competing. If you’re so small, nobody cares. Anyways, there’s not enough to compete with. Instead you should focus on being the best company you can be being the best version of you that you can be being the best husband or wife that you can be and focus on those things. And it’s so interesting because if you do that Is your understanding begin to understand that life doesn’t come towards you? Right and life isn’t just around you it actually comes out of you.

So anyways guys, I’m out of time and I’ll catch you later. Peace

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