Ep. 337 – Cultivating Gratitude: Focusing On What You Have vs. What You Don’t


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants, I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, today guys, I actually want to talk about how to really overcome the, I guess you could say, the everyday grind. And a lot of that has to do with gratitude. Right? Honestly, unless, you know, there’s always somebody doing worse than you. And I think having gratitude about the things you do have and focusing on What you do have, is absolutely necessary and vital to overcome. The days where you don’t want to get up, you don’t want to get out of bed, right? And, or even show up to work and do the work that you need to do. Gratitude is so important, it’s so much easier to work when you’re happy. And when you’re thankful than when you’re miserable, right.

And I’d much rather work when I’m thankful and, and I feel good versus being miserable. And I think part of the fight in the battle is not to be miserable. And part of that is also really focusing on What you have. So often, we really focus on What we don’t have. In yesterday’s episode I talked about, you know, you pretty much becoming you not comparing yourself and not competing with other people, that’s it goes along the same thing. And along the same lines of you really focus on What you have and operate out of What you have What you have does not suck, right, What you have, may not be What other people have, right? In your mind, it may not be as good as What other people have. But that’s really an unhealthy mindset to have. You’ve been given this portion in life, the things that you’re having occurred in your life have happened to you. And now you can either treat it as a gift or a curse, you can either treat it that this is the life I’ve been given. And now I can do something with it. Or you can treat it like a curse, right?

I didn’t grow up in a family, you know, from entrepreneurship, and like, oh, that’s how you do business and have all this stuff taught and say, Nope, I got a Harvard degree in stupidity, I got a Harvard degree and a lot of things not to do. I’ve got a Harvard degree in relational stupidity, like how not to be friends with people, right? Like, I’ve learned a lot of things in my life the hard way. And that’s okay, cool. It’s What my life has looked like in the decisions I’ve made. Now, What do I do with that? That’s What I have. That’s What I have to work with. What do I do with that? And I think it’s the same thing, oftentimes in business. We will experience failure, because we are counting the sales that have not cut checks, yet. We’re counting the contracts that haven’t been signed, and we’re making decisions off of What we don’t have, and hope that we have and hope that we’ll get, but we don’t actually get and those are really bad decisions.

I think it’s always better to work with What you do have. But part of that really takes gratefulness, like, What do you What do you have? What do you have open to you? What are the best opportunities and the best moves in front of you right now? That’s where a lot of the best ideas for us as a business have come from is cool. What do we have? And then how do we do What we need to do with What we have? How do we accomplish the same goal? Cool. All right, the path is going to be different than somebody who’s got, you know, billions and trillions of dollars. Awesome.

How do we accomplish our goal, right? How do we start from going from nothing to something and Andrew and I had this conversations early on, like, Okay, we don’t have funding, we don’t want funding, we don’t want to go into debt, we don’t need a debt payment right out the gate. That’s going to suck to have a bank over our shoulder being like, hey, you owe me money this month. Okay, so how do we achieve the same goals? If we had the cash flow, if we had the money in the funding? How would we achieve the same goals that we want to achieve, and then work our way backwards?

Right, the path is different. And the path might be longer, it might be shorter, it will surprise you. But you’re not going to know any of that until you start focusing on What you do have and how you’re going to get What you want to get. You’re not going to be able to carry somebody else’s backpack you’re not made for it, it’s theirs. And you got to carry your own backpack. And then the tools that you got are different than yours, and everybody else has cool. Use them. Right? You look at entrepreneurs, you look at founders, you look at leaders, you look at people who are successful in life, they’re all different shapes, sizes and skill sets. And they’re all different people, radically different people. And they’re all using What they have, right? Not What I have, What they have to get where they’ve gotten in life.

And I think if you really want to move forward, you’ve really got to get to the mindset of What do I have? am I grateful for it? am I thankful for it? Do I count it as a gift? Or do I count as a curse? And then how am I going to use that to get where I want to go? You’re still capable of doing it you can do it doesn’t matter the position your life now your position may be harder than others. The circumstances might be different, all this other stuff, but cool, there’s no sense of complaining or thinking about it because you’re not in a different position than you are currently.

And so you can make decisions based on What you do have to move forward. Get out of things. Right? And it’s gonna take work. It might be painful and it might take struggle. That’s okay. Some of the best things in life, take a lot of effort, and there’s a lot of pain upfront in order to get them. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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