Ep. 339 – Navigating The Timeline: Microwave Dinner vs. Slow-Smoked Brisket


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, real quick, guys, if you know somebody whose life would be better by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, guys, I actually want to talk about really having a short term mindset. And you could say, patience, vers impatience, you could say time horizon, you could kind of fill in and use any of those words, really, for this episode. And Here’s why. I really think that we have an instant success rate mindset when we do things. And I really think that can be detrimental to the long term of personal growth, it can be it that’s highly detrimental to building or creating something of value in your life, whether it’s a business, whether it’s a relationship, whether it’s a life or dream that you want, it’s really detrimental to those things.

And Here’s why. Because when success does not occur according to our expectations. Now, all of a sudden, we have broken expectations. And when we have broken expectations, there’s now broken trust in ourselves. There’s now broken belief, and now there’s also disappointment, and deferment of the dream. And that induces a lot of I’m not, I don’t think they’re negative emotions. But that induces a lot of emotions that are painful to deal with a lot of thoughts that are painful to work through. Right. And so when we start focusing on Oh, this is going to work, this is going to be the magic phone call, or this is going to be the light switch. It just flips on and everything changes. And that’s not actually true. Okay.

Success is not just one moment in time, yes, okay. You can win the lottery. But how many people are winning the lottery? And then Here’s even a better question, how many people go back to being broke after they win the lottery? A huge, huge, huge portion of them. Why they did not believe in slow is smooth, smooth is fast. They did not focus on start, right and right, they did not focus on a long term success rate, that life isn’t just something you win at it is something you live through. Think about that life isn’t just something you live at. It’s something you live through, there’s no guarantee to the points. There’s no guaranteed set of oh, these are the things I’m going to do. Here’s all the points, I’m going to cumulate I’m going to be the best at it. Awesome. How do you measure that? Right? Do you measure the money? Do you measure it in relationships? Do you measure it in health? Do you measure it in unhappiness like? And then how do you quantify happiness? How do you really quantify that one, if that’s the way you measure, and

I’m saying all this, because I think it’s so important that there really is like, no, just instantaneous, overnight success, there’s a lot of hard work and prep and planning. Like, you think about how long it takes a person to mature and to become who they need to be in order to be that successful individual. It’s a long period of time, right? But the internet, the technology that we have I say that or that like I’m, I’m really an old fart or an old folky. But it’s like, the technology we have moves so fast, we want the result. And it’s really like, cool, it’s like, what’s happening is, are we choosing between a microwave dinner? Or are we actually going to take our time and take a piece of meat, and, you know, put all the seasonings on it, light up the grill and let it slow smoke for the next eight hours, which one’s going to be better, which one takes longer, which one takes longer work?

Now Here’s the Here’s another myth longer does not always mean better, okay, longer does not always mean better, longer can be a lot of other things like you didn’t know What you were doing. Right? That’s in my case, like, it’s taken Andrew and I longer for certain things, because we didn’t know What we were doing. And we have Harvard degrees in stupidity and we have been idiots But at the same time, shorter does not always mean better, either or faster does not always mean better. The goal in life is to actually maintain the quality of all speeding up the ability to ship the same level of quality that you had before.

Why? Because if you’re going to do things in life worth doing, they’re going to be meaningful, and they’re going to be matter. That includes your work that includes the vision, the goal that includes the relationships, you’re having the relationships, you do have the ones you need to build, right. And I think it’s so important to think this way because you can sure you can throw the microwave dinner in there for a minute, two minutes, minute 30 But, man, it’s not going to be the home cooked meal that’s been on that grill for eight hours, you know, smoking. So you think about that for a moment.

And then the same thing applies to life in the same thing applies to business. Cool, you’re not there yet. Okay, cool. Keep going. Don’t turn back right now. And another thing is is awesome. Don’t get in the mindset of I’m going To do this one have instant success Andrew and I did that that a lot. And then we realized, oh yeah, there is just no magic lights which moment that it’s just everything’s going to change. It’s a slow progression to climb the mountain one step at a time. And there’s ways to do the steps faster, but we’ll talk about those later. Anyways guys, hope you have a great day in the kitchen later peace

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