Ep. 343 – Order Makes It Usable


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

So today guys, I’m going to talk about order. And I’m going to talk about doing things in order. And there’s a really good reason for this. Oftentimes, in business, you already have all the pieces that you need. So you already have everything you need for your current steps. So step one, step two, step three is What I’m defining as current steps, right, you already have all the pieces for those steps that you need to take. The problem is, is oftentimes when we want to do things out of order, it actually creates chaos and makes What we’re doing unusable.

And this took me a long time to learn a business, it took me a long time to even just learn in life, that when you’re doing things out of order, when you’re not doing things in the correct order that they’re meant to be done in, you actually induce failure into your life, you’ll induce failure into the business or into this aspect of the business, whatever it is simply because you’re not doing things in the right time, and in the right place. And it’s so interesting to watch, because oftentimes, we think we have the right answers, but we think they’re the wrong answers. Because doing and using the right answers at the wrong time, is a wrong answer. And so oftentimes, we’ll overlook What we have simply because it’s not working, instead of just simply rearranging the pieces.

See, order makes What we have usable. And if you think about it like this, think about a garage or mechanic shop just piled high with junk with boxes with parts. And if you can imagine that, all right, and then you imagine a mechanic, wanting to sell his services to a customer, customer comes in, the mechanic pulls the car in and then begins working, but he can’t find any of this tools due to the mess due to the disorder, right, he can’t find any of those tools due to the disorder. And as a result, he can’t actually work on the car. And then he creates a bad customer relationship, and then creates a bad brand, and a bad name, reputation. And then before you know it, he simply has lost business and is failing at business, because he is not keeping his shop in order, also known as clean.

Being clean is so underrated in so many ways, like simply having a clean desk. Simply having minimal things on your desk, simply making the time to go through and clean out to create order is so impactful. And I think oftentimes a lot of business fires are due to disorder, and disorder simply because we don’t have processes, you can think of processes as drawers and ways to file things way and ways to keep things in order. It’s interesting when you think about processes. And when you think about business, a lot of it is intangible, right? Because you’re dealing with people you’re dealing with humans and so their thoughts aren’t tangible. Their emotions are tangible. They’re experiential, you can you can experience What they think if they tell you, you can experience What they feel.

But when you’re dealing with people, processes allow us to help shape and craft the intangible things within the company, to put them into order to create a system to create infrastructure that allows the company to move forward that allows customers to actually purchase and procure like think about the internet, the internet, it’s totally intangible, you’re not touching the internet, you’re interacting with it through a medium through a TV. I’m saying TV through a computer, listen to me, I’m, I’m not a tech person. So But anyways, through a computer, through your phone, like you’re interacting with the internet through a medium, and the internet’s intangible, but because we see it, we don’t think of it as something intangible, but you can’t smell it. You can’t taste it, you can’t touch it. It’s not a tangible thing. But it is an experiential thing.

It’s the same thing with people, you need a medium in order to interact with people in the team properly. And oftentimes that medium is the process. And that process gives a foundation and a framework for actually being able to build a team on for actually facilitating conversations and thoughts for facilitating creativity around What is being built in around What is being produced. And when you think about that processes and infrastructure in the company are simply there to create order. And when things are done in order, when work is done in order. And when all the right steps are taken from steps one through three, one through five or whatever it is, you are actually now flowing with work and you’re actually being productive you cannot produce without order.

And if you think about any super successful business like you think about Amazon, everything they’re doing is just predicated on having everything done in order to serve customers in the best way possible. Same thing like going to Chick fil A Chick fil A they are phenomenal with a lot of this It is creating process to create order, which creates a great customer journey and experience.

So anyways, it’s simply this order makes it usable if you’re failing oftentimes it’s just due to disorder. right answers wrong time, wrong place. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later and I hope you have a great day peace

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