Ep. 352 – Work Ethic Mindset: Celebrating The Discipline


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, I have a quick favor to ask if you know somebody whose life would be changed or better by listening to the show, will you share it with them? Really appreciate it guys, thanks for partnering with me.

Anyways, so I want to talk about really work ethic, and I want to talk about being talented. When I was growing up, and I was taking piano lessons, my high school piano teacher, one of the things he told me is he said, Hey, you are not the most talented individual on music, you’re not the most talented individual at piano at all. However, you are going to be much, much better than a lot of people who are naturally talented and gifted. Because you don’t have the gifting, you have to work for it. And because you have to work for it, you’re going to be better than others.

And I want to talk about that. Because oftentimes we lose focus in work, because we’re good at it. Oftentimes the areas where we’re really good at work, or where we’re the most of lazy, because the giftings, there, see oftentimes will value entertainment or ease will make the short term decisions, relying on the gifting versus actually building and creating What we need, right. And so if you look at your company, all the areas where you don’t have processes, those are most likely the areas where you’re gifted or you have talent, a person an individual filling that role. And then it’s not being processed and systematized out to grow, to actually facilitate the team.

It’s the same thing in life, if you have individual talents, What you’re really good at is oftentimes where you’re lazy at. And I think the other reason for this as well as we don’t value our talents, because we did not work to earn them work allows and facilitates a value to be placed on things within our life. Right. That’s why money is one of the number one ways people assign value to something when purchasing money is the system or a universal system culturally within society to help us value What we’re buying, right. And so you have all the psychology Oh, if it’s priced real low and cheap, they value it as a deal or steel, or they see it as cheap. Versus Oh, this one’s really expensive, it must be the best. Well, that’s not always the case, right? It’s not always the case, just because it’s more expensive. But money is one of the ways that we value things.

And so as people, and especially as leaders and business owners, it’s so important to understand why you value things, how you value things, and are you actually correctly measuring the value of What you’re doing, because you can have sentimental value, emotional value. But oftentimes, emotional value is not true value, right? There’s no data to back up the value. There’s no actual proof that these things do. But like experiential value matters, like traveling going places that stuff matters personally. But oftentimes in terms of team in terms of business, and in society, those things don’t matter.

And so, I am saying this, because working and being able to apply work and effort and being challenged in the areas where you are talented, that will actually help you build value into those areas. And then if you’re building value, you’re going to get better. And then not only will you get better, it is much easier to franchise that out of yourself into the team to build the systems you need to build is interesting because the things that we take for granted in life are most likely the things that come back and hurt us with whether through loss because we lose them, or because we don’t properly steward them. And this is actually oftentimes where we don’t have good work ethic is simply because of the giftings. And because the things that come naturally, and then we take them for granted.

And it’s so interesting because out of all my siblings, my sister who majored in music ended up telling me long term, you’re much better than either your brother or I at music and they were way more naturally gifted at it than I was. And and it’s because of the work that got put in, then I valued What I had. It wasn’t just a simple and I’m not saying that there, they didn’t value at all that’s not What I’m saying. There was some level of value, but there was a deeper level of value and there’s a deeper appreciation for the work because it’s not just the outcome you value. It’s actually the work throughout the journey that should be valued the discipline throughout the journey that should be value.

See we celebrate the discipline we don’t celebrate the outcome. In the journey to climb up Everest is What is celebrated the journey the preparation before. If you think that you’ve done anything hard in your life, you talk about the journey, not the final outcome like I did it great. That’s not actually What everybody tells a story about. It’s the journey through that hardship through the work and the discipline that was required throughout in the All the decisions that were required throughout that were hard. And so that’s What I’m talking about to really value the discipline and the work that you have to put in to get where you need to go.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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