Ep. 353 – The Silent Killer, Boredom


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

So guys, today, I want to talk about how to focus and how to keep focus in life, how to actually keep focus on the day to day and not get off track. And one of the biggest things that I found personally, is to not get too excited about the new thing. See, we like to be entertained. And that’s just the truth. We like to have fun, we like to be entertained, we don’t want life to be miserable. And I don’t I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting life to be miserable. I don’t, I think it’s actually great. To live a happy life, I think it’s important to be happy. I think if you work that at some place that makes you miserable, you really need to make plans and craft a plan on how to move forward to get into that job that you’ve always wanted to have to really be happy with your life to enjoy What you do every day. That way, when you’re going to bed, you’re not dreading the next day. And when you’re getting up for work, you’re not dreading it, you’re excited to be there.

And I think that’s really important. Like I’ve worked a lot of jobs where it’s like, oh, man, I do not want to go in today. I don’t want to do this. And then there’s a well, I need to do this, I’ve got to do this. And then also the choosing of well, I get to do this, I get to have a job. And it’s great that I have a job that helps me pay bills and provides. But I don’t want to stay here and I need to get out of here. And I think that’s important. And then on the flip side, though, when you’re actually building something, you enter into oftentimes What is called the doldrums, it’s not exciting. It’s not flashy, it’s boring. It’s not like oh my gosh, it’s amazing Super Bowl winning event, somebody Mount Everest event. And it’s like, no, it’s not that it’s wow, I kept the books today. Because when you’re starting out in business, you’re doing everything right, I don’t, I think it’s really unwise to just get a loan when you’re out of business, because now you have somebody else breathing down your neck, and you don’t even know if the business is viable.

So you’re doing everything, you’re the means of production, your sales, your marketing, your bookkeeping, your all the accounting, your financial department, your all these things, your HR, you’re hiring, you’re firing everything, right? You’re the project manager, the team lead, you’re the CEO, the COO, and you got to make sure to cast vision to everybody and all these other things, right. So when you’re there, it’s very easy to get into the doldrums of things like Oh, I did my bookkeeping today, oh, I went and did sales, say Oh, I wrote that other piece of content, Oh, I did this, I did that I did all these things. And then that happens tomorrow. And then that happens the day after tomorrow. And then that happens the day after tomorrow. And then weeks and months go by, and you’re doing the same thing. And that one like magic phone call that’s going to change the world that one lead that comes in and changes your life doesn’t continue to happen. And you’re just growing slowly but surely, which is normal. By the way, it’s normal to grow little by little.

And then all of a sudden, you’re bored. And then your worst enemy comes around, oh, the new thing and What I call the new thing, Andrew and I call it building new trains. Oh, awesome. We’re bored with this one, we’ve taken this one to like 50% 60%. Let’s start a new one. But we never finished What we started. And that actually causes a lot of problems. So one, when you get so excited about the new thing that you jumped ship, because you’re bored. Boredom is a killer. It really is. And because of boredom, and oftentimes we’ll jump ship to do the new thing, which is more exciting. And it’s more fun and all this stuff, right? It actually causes anti work, it actually causes anti momentum.

So you start actually going backwards, it it hurts and destroys What you’re actually trying to build. And then as a result, you look back and be like, wow, why am I not where I need to be? I don’t understand why these things aren’t happening? Well, it’s because we got bored. We got too excited about the new thing. We jumped ship. And now we’re trying to build something new from scratch. Versus let me continue the course let me finish well, right finishing well doesn’t mean perfect. But finishing well needs to be in line with the finish line that you’ve drafted out that you’ve defined saying, This is What finish looks like. Let me take it from start to finish and complete that. And then allow me to move on into that next piece that I need to create.

Oftentimes, we won’t start What we need. Oftentimes, we won’t finish What we started. And we won’t finish even though we need to simply because we’re bored, and we’re tired of doing the same stuff every day. And that’s normal. This is all normal stuff. And if you’re going through stuff like this in business, well, welcome to normal. I’ve been there, all the other business people I’ve talked to have been there. And it’s super important to stay the course and this is why we talk about all the time celebrate the discipline, like I make my bed every day. And I make it and I drink 32 ounces of water every morning before I eat or drink anything else. And is boring and there’s no like wow amazing Superman came in rescue. There’s no such thing as superheroes there really aren’t. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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