Ep. 356 – Investing In People


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, hope you guys are doing well, hope life is treating you good, I’m better than I deserve.

And today, guys, I really just want to talk about investing in others investing in people. So if you’re in leadership, and if you’re really trying to build a team, you need to understand that investing in people is one of the best ways to actually invest your time. So and I’m not just talking about teaching people hard skills, but I’m talking about actually caring and investing and delivering value into people’s lives into your team members lives, and actually making sure that you’re creating something that they benefit from as a whole.

Doing that is the best way to spend your time. Doing that is the best way to actually grow the business. Because if you’re investing in your team, if you’re investing in people, if you’re facilitating their growth, if you’re facilitating their improvement in their life, and their forward momentum towards their dream and towards their purpose, or helping them find their purpose, you’re gonna have people who want to do life with you. And not only that, you’re actually going to build a healthy culture within the company. See, oftentimes, toxic culture comes from leadership that is actually uncaring, and leadership that has, I would say, Poor goals or disoriented goals to where you’re focused on driving revenue, creating revenue, driving money, meeting your KPIs, meeting your measurements, and all these other things. And then you forget about the people who are actually helping you accomplish it.

I think that, when that happens, you actually create unhealthy culture. And I’ve known in work for places where that’s all they’re focused on. And I’ve known and have friends who work for places that that’s all they’re focused on. And then you look at the culture, and you look at the teamwork environment, and it’s toxic. And by toxic, you only have people who don’t care showing up there. And when you have people who don’t care, and you have leadership, that doesn’t care, that the customer suffer, the team work, environment suffers. And everything else within that business suffers. Because everything that’s done within a company is done from people, cool, even with the new technologies coming out, like AI, all these other things, it’s a tool, right? Tools are not What create and build society or companies, right people do.

And it’s so important to really know that when you are really working within a company and leading a team, if you don’t care about the right things, it is going to break along the way. And part of the right things to care about are people, their future, their next steps, their purpose in life, because Here’s, Here’s the real deal, like people come to work for you, and they want to be a part of your team. And then they are actually using you as a pass through. And you gotta be okay with that, like, not every team member is going to stay with you for life. And they shouldn’t they have dreams, they have hopes, they have goals, they want to go build something, right? If you’re starting a business, and you’re the head of the business and the founder, don’t expect people to have the same amount of buy in that you do. You own the thing they don’t. And if you want them to work as hard as you it’s not going to happen either because you own it. They don’t their level of buying is different, right?

But you’re coming into a mutual partnership with these people, you’re coming into a mutual agreement, where it’s like, Hey, we’re partnering to build this vision for the company. I’m also partnering with you to help you achieve What you want out of life. I’m partnering with you to help you achieve your goals and dreams and visions to provide for your family. To have kids to buy a house to get the job you want. Because this may not be your dream job. And I think it’s so important to actually have empathy and put yourselves in somebody else’s shoes, right? Put yourselves in. I would say your team member shoes to sit back and be like cool if I was there, What would be my dreams and goals? What would I want if you actually want to build something and build a place to actually invest in people care about them, and invest in their future, you’ve got to stop and take a moment to step out of your shoes and put yourself into their shoes.

And then from there you have to build and you have to build up. And you have to build predicated on that What they need predicated on their pain points predicated on What they care about, predicated on What they’re feeling and thinking, that’s so important. And if you’re not going to be empathetic that way, if you’re not going to be selfless in that way, you’re not going to be able to do this and build the team that you actually need in order to accomplish the work in front of you. And I think to realize, like most people, when they are coming on board to actually work for a company, they have something else in mind, right, that they want to accomplish in life. other than just show up for a job and it’s your job to discover that understand that and build against that.

Anyways guys, I’m gonna have time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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