Ep. 357 – Risk It For The Biscuit


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

So today, I actually learned something today, I learned that a rant is somebody who actually wants to complain about something. There’s me being socially inept from the social stuff. But that’s not What these are the five minute rant, the whole purpose of that is to legitimately talk for five minutes about something that I’ve had on my mind that I think would be valuable to document the journey. So anyways, guys, I actually want to talk about the thought process and the mindset of having no risk involved. And Here’s What I mean by that.

Honestly, you have nothing to lose, if you haven’t started, the journey and the venture that you want to start. If you haven’t moved forward into that place that you want to go in life, you haven’t tried it, you’ve got nothing to lose, right? If you plan it, What what’s the worst that’s going to happen? You fail, you’re not good at it, you find out that you don’t like it. I don’t know. There’s all sounds like pretty good things. Andrew oftentimes talks about, like, he’ll talk about years ago, how you gotta risk it for the biscuit. And as much as that sounds hysterical. It’s so true, because honestly you have nothing to lose.

When you go into a sales negotiation. You don’t have the job. It’s not guaranteed to you, you’re just having a conversation. So you might as well ask, right? If you’re starting a company and you want friends to support, maybe show you on social media, what’s the worst that can happen? Ask, right. Ask them to share, ask them if they would help you get ground and gain ground and momentum. I think if you’re going to start pursuing your dream, you might as well try, because you don’t have it, it’s not your hand, it’s not like you’re gonna lose your dream. And then the worst case that comes out is you don’t like it, that’s honestly the worst case that’s gonna come out of it. You want to change jobs, you want to pursue a different career, you want to actually move forward, you have nothing to lose in these situations.

Now granted, like we’re not saying like we like by we, I mean, me, I’m not saying like, go out and just do stupid things and foolish things and take out a bunch of money against your house and pull out a bunch of equity, you have all this other stuff and go into debt to start a company. It’s like no, but you might as well try What are the first few steps? What could you do out of your home? What could How could you start small, and see if you like it or not, right? Most times, we get caught wanting everything to be perfect and right straight out of the gate. And that’s not how life works. Life works in stages. And in steps like, Alright, I got to stage one, I got to stage two. I mean, this podcast is a case in point, started audio only. And then we’re at stage two start including some video and actually having some like, face to face video content, and really my face getting everywhere to and then for other people to watch on socials.

And stage one is like, cool. Let’s just record stage two is awesome. Let’s add video. Stage three is I don’t know, we edit some things, I have no idea. The point is, is this, it’s celebrating the journey, and then realize that you have nothing to lose along the way, the biggest thing in life would be to regret not even trying, and not even moving forward. Everything that I have in my life that I’ve regretted is simply because I haven’t tried or finished well, those are the two things that seem to drive regret in life. And so that being said, is like Andrew says all the time, risk it for the biscuit. And it’s really true. If you feel afraid of doing something that’s most likely the thing you actually need to do.

If you’re anxious or worried about whatever you’re doing. That’s the thing you need to stand up and face, you need to turn around face and walk towards and deal with. And more often than not, you’ll find that it’s not actually scary. More often than not, you’ll find that it’s not actually really that bad or that hard. And you’ll actually find that it was actually kind of cool. And I think the other thing too is with all of this, it’s not so much the outcome that everybody wants. Nobody ever really talks about outcome like, oh, yeah, I did this. They talk about the journey of how they did it. And to realize that if you don’t start, if you don’t come to that mindset in that conclusion that you have nothing to lose, you won’t start. And if you don’t start you have no journey to talk about. You have no progression in life to talk about, right.

And I think it’s so important to understand that there’s more to life than just the outcomes I’m looking for. There’s more to life than just this. Hey, I’m going to sit here and wake up and hopefully not have a crappy day and go to work and pay my bills. No, there’s more to that and What do you want out of life? Try and figure out What you want, right? And at that point, just go. Go for it. Try. See What happens. Seriously, and see What happens and see what’s going to change in your life and find out What you don’t like you might not like it. Great, cool. Next. Next thing I think it’s important to look at life as an adventure. And if you don’t look at life as an adventure You’re, well I don’t know how well life is gonna go for you honestly.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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