Ep. 358 – How To Have Buy In


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. guys real quick, if you know somebody whose life would be bettered by listening to this show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? Appreciate it.

Well, guys, today, I actually want to talk about buy in. And buy in is the process where you actually bind to the vision in the work and the purpose driving the work behind whatever you’re about to do. So in order to make a healthy decision in life, you need buy in, okay? And buy in is the process in which you actually determine that this is valuable, good and something that you want to do in the process of buy in normally occurs like this, it goes from opportunity is presented to you right, from another individual from another place some opportunity comes into your life. From there, you address and assess the opportunity through observation, What type of opportunity is, as you gather information, right? You observe What it is, What are the pros, What are the cons? What are all these things, second processes you need, I mean, third step in this process is, you’ve got to identify whether you actually want to move forward into that opportunity. Do I like this? Do I dislike this, like and dislike are super powerful.

And most of us are not honest with What we like and What we don’t like, we’ll we’ll know What we don’t like internally, but externally, we don’t normally Express likes or dislikes, in workplaces, we don’t do it in friendship circles, we don’t do it. For whatever reason, we internalize that and take that inside. And then it never actually allows us to participate in the buy in process. If there is not a outward flow of What you’re thinking and feeling to be addressed. Like man, I really don’t like this and you’re negotiating with the person who’s presenting that opportunity, like, Hey, I don’t think I like these things about it. And you’re stating that stuff out loud, you actually can’t have buy in, right? So you got to recognize What you like What you don’t like, and then you got to talk about it. And then the fourth step is determining the value and the outcomes that is going to produce in your life or in the situation.

What are the outcomes, right? What are the outcomes we’re looking for? Awesome. All parties agree this is not the most optimal decision we can make. However, we also don’t know, we also do not know the most optimal decision that we should make and be able to make, we don’t know that. And this is the best decision at hand that we can make though. And then we need to find a better one later. Cool. Now you’re sold because everybody’s on that. And then you start to have buy in because you understand, okay, this is the most valuable step. And the most optimal step we can take at this moment.

This process is often lost in a company, it is often lost in a team because you have authority structures where team members like cool, I’m just doing What I’m told, if you create a culture of where everybody is doing, What they’re told, where their voices are gone, where they’re not allowed to have buy in, that culture is going to quickly become toxic. Because What you have is what’s called compliance, where people are outwardly like, Yeah, I’ll do that. And then internally, they’re like, Oh, I hate this. And I don’t believe in this. And whatever you feel and believe internally always comes out, it always is produced outside of us, life does not come at us, it comes out of us. And where it comes from is What we decide on the inside What we decide and What I call our heart, right, you have a heart decision down there and not just a mental decision.

And the buy in process is so important, especially in leadership meetings, it’s especially when buy in into vision. It’s especially when buy in into solutions to problems, right, and you have a team and you’re meeting. And the buy in process is one of the most vital processes you can have as an individual in order to make healthy good decisions in life. It is one of the best things you can do as a leader of a team to facilitate people having buy in, where they come in and their lives are bought in. And their ideas are expressed their dislikes and likes are expressed where you have open honestly, we talk a lot about no politics in our company.

If you’ve never read Lencioni’s five dysfunctions of a team you should it is a phenomenal book. And you should read it because it really talks about how people have buy in, right? It expresses this one of the ways but another thing that it really talks about that I’m hitting on is politics, which is everybody’s just complying, they’re saying things to keep everybody else happy. And then as a result, there’s just toxicity, distrust, dishonesty, and more within the team. And so if you follow those steps to really have buy in I’m giving you the steps so you can look and observe, but having buy in with What you’re doing in life is so important, right? And you got to have personal buy in right? You want to get up and go to the gym, it takes personal buy in and you go through you go through this process between you and yourself for something hard that you don’t want to do.

Anyways, that’s it guys. So I’ll catch you later peace

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