Ep. 359 – It’s Harder To Build The Directions Than The Lego


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, if you know somebody whose life would be bettered by listening to this, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, guys, I want to talk to you about the most difficult part of business. And it’s What I call franchising. And franchising is the process, essentially, where you’re making processes and infrastructure internally in the business, to facilitate agency and people. And this is What I mean, the best people to partner with. And the best team or team members that you can have are people who are interdependent people who have agency. And then that means that once they have agency, you give them the vision, and you give them guidelines, and then they can run with What you’ve done and What you’ve created to go accomplish the vision, right?

Now, the hardest part is actually creating the vision. And then the other hard part about that is actually creating the boundaries, the guidelines of the processes. And there are two types of processes. One, I’d call checklist processes, which is like, Hey, Here’s an actual checklist of things that have to be done right, tic tic, tic, tic, tic ABCDEFG, all the way down. And these are all things that have to be then we have to look at, okay, and then you have principle based processes. And principle based processes, give people the freedom to think and build and create, you give people the freedom to operate in agency, but you’re actually allowing them to be focused to build What you need to build and to be a part of the team, right.

So if you think about sports, right, all team members have to be headed and playing towards the opposing team, they all have to be facing the opposing goal, when they’re on offense, and defense, they all have to be defending their goal, and they have to be unified. And it’s a lot simpler in sports, because you can see where the goal is located in business, that’s not as easily tangible. Right, it’s not easily accessible. Because of the tangibility level, oftentimes, it’s very hard to take something that is intangible like a vision, and then make it tangible. For team members, it’s very hard to translate that. And we often get caught in the technical. And we often get caught in the process of, we don’t want to think and actually make it really simple for people, right. And so the point of all that I’m trying to say is, if you’re actually really building and building a company, you’re going to build infrastructure.

If you’re not going to build infrastructure, you’re really just a contractor, or a freelancer, or a solo employed guy, right? You can never take vacation, because nobody can do your job, you’re not replacing yourself, because nobody can do your job. You can never ever leave the company because the company runs and is dependent upon you. You can’t leave for a week and not answer your phone, without the company falling apart, right. And you may have a couple of people working for you. But without the infrastructure. And without actually building and creating a place that allows people to think and thrive and use their skill sets properly, you’re not actually going to be able to move forward in life, you’re not going to be able to grow as a business or an organization.

I was telling Andrew, this is actually one of the harder parts of work and of building a business. And the analogy I came up with was, it’s way easier to build the Legos than it is the instruction manual. And that’s What we’re talking about is building the instruction manual to the Lego set to the business to the company. What is the structure manual? What is our SOP standard operating procedures, right? What are all of these things? And then What is the purpose behind each of them because you can build a lot of useless stuff. And you can also build stuff that’s so restrictive and overpowering. You have now taken away agency from the team members and use the law to take away agency and think about that.

You can actually make processes that are so constricting, nobody can think and there’s there’s times for that, right? Like you want a doctor to wash his hands before he performed surgery. You want them to suit up and wear masks. You want the room to be sterile. There’s times for that, right? And there’s times for hey, let’s make sure we cross all our t’s and dot all our eyes. But most of the time in business, it’s not like that, like 80% of the time. You don’t need lists like that. Okay, and if you can’t have lists like that, you can normally automate that which you should.

And so anyways, I think it’s just important to realize The most important work you can do as an owner or the business founder is to build infrastructure and processes that facilitate a team and you want people to have agency.

Anyways guys, I’m gonna have time I’ll catch you later. Peace

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