Ep. 361 – Lack of Purpose = Wasting Time


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, everybody, hope you’re doing good hope life’s treating you well, I’m doing better than I deserve.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about one of the main reasons why we waste time, or where we end up wasting a lot of time is where we actually don’t have purpose. And so when we don’t have a purpose, when we don’t have a vision for whatever we’re trying to actually accomplish in every area of life. And there’s five pillars of life, right? You’ve got monies, you got relationships, you got property, right? You have work, right. And then, and then you’ve got your heart, right. You have your spiritual side of things, you know, who you’re serving, and things like that, right. And so the choices you’re making there. And if you don’t have vision for each of those areas, you’ll end up wasting time long term, you’ll end up wasting time because of lack of clarity.

See, if you have vision and purpose, and you actually have real goal set and each of those areas, then at that point, you are going to be able to have clarity and make a roadmap for how to get there. And if you’re not sure if What you’re doing if you ever like hey, I’m looking for work, I don’t know What my next steps aren’t normally that’s coming from, I don’t know What my vision is, I don’t know What my purpose is, behind What I’m doing. I talked about buy in before, you actually can’t have buy in without having vision and purpose. There’s no buy in without knowing the end results in the outcome that you’re trying to accomplish. And it’s the same thing with wasting time, because we don’t have buy in, and we don’t know What we’re actually trying to accomplish and build. Well, at that point. Because we don’t know What we’re trying to accomplish and build, we start wasting time because we do all this work that’s unrelated, we’ll start focusing on all the wrong things, and start doing all the work that’s wrong.

And by that, What I mean is it’s not just bad work, but it’s work that’s not associated with our end game. It’s work that’s not associated with the end goal. And Here’s the other thing, if you’re in leadership, and you’re unclear the vision, your team is not going to actually be able to have buy in to What you’re doing. And then not only are they not gonna be able to have buy in and be purposeless, the work that they do is going to be everywhere, right, cool. They’re checking off the checklist, doing the daily to do’s, but you if you’re really operating as a team, you guys are building something great together. All great managers lead great teams that are sold on vision, and purpose, knowing that they’re building something that’s going to change the world, or make a difference in somebody’s life.

And that requires purpose requires understanding the purpose that requires understanding the goals that requires understanding, cool, this is where we’re going to be within a year, three years, five years, 10 years, and going down the road to where people actually have real work. If you don’t have purpose and clarity, you’re not going to have real work. And that’s this is part of real work. Because when you’re doing fake work, fake work is everything. But the work that I need to do in order to accomplish my goal in order to accomplish my purpose in order to accomplish my vision. And if you’re leading people and leading a team, and you’re building a business, and you’re unclear on these things, your team’s not going to be able to actually perform with you to accomplish real work.

And Here’s the thing without a vision, the team actually gets dissatisfied. Why am I being here? This isn’t like this, just like the last job I worked, right? What’s the point of me being here? What’s the point of the work that I’m doing right now? What does this even matter? How am I even changing anything. And then before you know, you actually are creating dissatisfaction within the team, because they don’t have something to buy into. They don’t have something to facilitate value. And I’m not talking about using this as a manipulative tool to facilitate better teamwork. What I’m talking about is actually having empathy towards the people who’ve chosen to do life with you on this aspect in this pillar of business and work, and then put yourself in their shoes and say, Hey, What would I want? I need to know the end goal. I need to know the vision.

It’s not just showing up to work, right? Like I worked a job where we showed up early, we’re showing up at 4:35 o’clock. Sometimes there’s no vision, it was just cool, show up, put in the hours. Let’s not be late on our projects. It was miserable. It was probably one of the most miserable jobs I had. And most guys who worked it, they just wanted to feed their families. Now think about that. And there were some really skilled people they left because there’s no promotion from within. There’s no vision, there is nothing driving them. And if you want to keep good people, you got to be a good leader. The type of people you have are the type of leader you are right the type of clients who have as an entrepreneurs, the type of person you are the type of company you are. So thinking about that.

Anyways, I’m out of time guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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