Ep. 373 – Marketing vs. Branding. Which One of These Things Is Not Like The Other?


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick. If you know somebody whose life would be changed by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I Appreciate it.

Well, I’m going to continue on the same line of practicals for business, and just continue to talk about some of those things. And one things I want to talk about today is the difference between marketing and branding. And I think it’s really important to really know and understand the difference, and then you can actually operate accordingly to What you actually need to achieve as a company. So one of the key differences between marketing and branding is marketing is, it occurs on a much smaller scale for more short term wins, okay? Branding occurs on a much larger scale, as an identity for the entire company.

And an identity if you think about a person, right and who a person is, and What a person is, an identity is more than just a name, right? I have my own personality, my own way of thinking processing, I have my own way of interacting, creating relationships, working with people, I have my own way of doing all these things, my preferences, What I like, What I don’t like What I do, What I don’t do, how I talk, how I speak, how I interact, my mannerisms, my tone of voice, the experience people get with me, and get from me by being with me, right? That’s a brand as a whole within a company, okay. And you could simply define a brand like this, it’s the gut feeling that people get from interacting with the company, or their first feelings that they have towards a company when they hear or perceive the name.

Marketing, on the other hand, is a focus on a smaller aspect of the company to sell or promote that thing, whatever that thing is, right. So if you think about a company can have multiple offerings, and let’s let’s just go and we’ll do a simple one, we’ll talk about like a lawn care company. Okay, so a lawn care company, during the summer, they’re cutting the grass during the winter, there, let’s just say they’re doing snow blowing, or they’re cleaning out gutters and things like that for the fall, okay. And so those are the three offerings. And so they’ll run seasonal marketing for each of those offerings. And each of those offerings will have its own campaign will have its own measurement system in its own lead generation system for people to purchase, whatever that is, right. Whatever that thing is, whatever that offering is, whether it’s, Hey, come show up and cut my grass, or whether it’s, Hey, I need my gutters cleaned out, right.

And that is radically smaller on a much smaller scale than branding, because branding occurs on a much larger scale, right, you’re creating an identity. And the whole goal is to create an ideal gut feeling that your customers will have from thinking about you interacting with you thinking about your name was when they see your logo, or they see the sort of advertisement with your name on it. So branding, essentially is creating an identity for the company, and branding heavily revolves around customer experience, branding heavily revolves around creating customer expectations, right, creating customer experience, from the moment that I begin this process, is What I’m going to come out of is expected right? What I’m going to experience to this process is expected What I’m going to get out of it.

And it’s the same thing. With clothing, it’s the same thing with services, right? It’s the same thing, branding may have different different focal points for different types of company. For instance, creating a brand like Nike versus you go to a service industry like Chick fil A, the brands are radically different. But in principle, they’re really the same. So Here’s a big thing to to know about both both branding and marketing operate off universal principles. The principles are really industry, agnostic, and even technology agnostic. And What I mean by that is this, it doesn’t matter What technology you’re using to brand or market. And it doesn’t matter What industry you’re in to brand and market. There are certain principles that apply, such as measurement, there’s no good way to brand or market anything without measuring it without actually being able to reflect process and to understand if What we’re doing is working.

And that is an example of universal principles. And maybe I’ll do an episode on universal principles of branding and marketing and the differences between the two because there are slight differences. But I hope this kind of gives you an understanding of the two it took Andrew and I a while to define the difference between these two things when we first started

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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