Ep. 394 – Create Your Own Opportunities


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Well, guys, welcome back to THE a.m.

Today I’m going to talk about how Andrew and I first started, and I want to talk about it just really tell a story about where we begin and how we began. So Andrew and I did not start in corporate, we did not start business, copying somebody or coming out of corporate, and we didn’t start business just to become wealthy, which is interesting.

The reason why we started business was because we wanted a better life for ourselves, and for our wives, and at the time, future children, right. And better life didn’t mean like, Hey, we’re super rich, super famous, whatever, like all these things, it was like, no, we want our time back. And it’s interesting, because along the way, when we started that way along the journey, and along our experience, we really found that we didn’t have any of the connections or any of the opportunities that most people who start business to like.

If you’re in sales, you’re connected with people, right, you start a company along the same lines or different, you already have a whole book of contacts to reach out to we didn’t, we didn’t have anything like that, if you were, you know, just a contractor, and then, you know, you end up wanting to start your own contracting company, right, we didn’t have anybody to copy What we started in with marketing, we didn’t have experience, and we didn’t do marketing, for corporate or anything like that. And I’m saying all this to get to the point of the story, which is this, Andrew and I really learned that if you do not have opportunities in life, to connect, to grow, to change or to build, you need to make those opportunities and create them for yourself, right.

So most people come along, and they expect life just to happen to them, they expect life to change, and they expect life to really move forward. And they expect life to really impact them and better them, right. However, that’s actually not how life works. When Andrew and I started, we were like cool, things are just gonna happen, we keep our heads down and work. And true, you keep focused on the goal, you keep focused on the vision of whatever it is, it will happen, you continue to work and keep your head down. However, one of the really important lessons we learned was to actually build and create the opportunities that we want out of life.

So there’s certain things that I can’t build. And that I can’t guarantee. So for instance, if I want to connection with Richard Branson, I can build towards that. But there’s a whole decision on his side, in order to connect with me if he thinks I’m worthwhile to connect with or valuable or whatever. And I’m saying all that because there are certain opportunities that are 100% in my control, right? I can control being a person who has value in their life, I can control becoming an individual who is worthwhile to connect with, I can control being a person that is adding value to people that connect with me, which means that my network will increase, it may not be everybody that I have dreamed of and wanted to. But that doesn’t matter, my network will increase because there are other people just as valuable.

And the other thing is, is cool. We don’t have any more leads we don’t have we don’t have enough leads coming in awesome. What can I build that will create opportunities for me to receive more leads? If we’re starting out in business, if we had to do it all over again? What will I create and build that will give me more opportunities to serve people to generate revenue, What will give me more opportunities to meet potential buyers to meet customers to meet employees, and I can create all of that all that stuff. And is at your hands, I’m saying I can create. But really, you can create that stuff. It’s all at your hands to build, you just got to think about it drafted out and then begin executing against it.

It doesn’t matter if you know all the technical details. So many people get caught up on how do we do it. And they want to look at every single little nut and bolt along the way to put it together. And it doesn’t that’s not how it works. If you look at anybody who has invented something, right, you look at the early stages of the iPhone, they started working through from an iPod, it wasn’t even a phone and then all of a sudden, all this other technology. And all these other things began coming out of the process because that’s how it works through refinement.

And so if you’re not sure What to build, if you know that you need more open doors and more opportunities to walk through, know that you’re in charge of building that know that you can actually create those things. If you become a person of value, your network will increase that will automatically happen. If you provide value and are able to communicate that well and get and spread that message out. You’ll get leads and clients. If you’re able to actually build a place that people want to be at you’ll have you’ll have a team most people who come know somebody else who wants a job too.

Anyways, those are just a few examples guys. And the point of this whole story and all the explanation is this. Create your own opportunities. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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