Ep. 400 – The Right Time and The Right Place


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, guys, welcome back to THE a.m hope you’re doing good hope life is treating you well, I’m doing better than I deserve.

Today I really want to talk about pre planning and upfront planning and thinking. So a few things. I was having a conversation earlier today. And earlier, before I record this, I was just having a conversation with somebody. And one of the things we were talking about is acting and planning while you have time. And the reason for that is this life is always constantly moving. So life is always flowing time is constantly moving, flowing. And things in life that items in life, the things that affect your life, are always constantly changing.

And so upfront planning is so important. Because when you actually have a moment of stillness, and a moment of peace, and you have the actual time to begin planning and doing the upfront work, that’s the best actual moment to do that. And the reason why is you actually have space, right, there’s no pressure on you, you have space to process to think out to outline the steps you need to take to think about the unintended consequences versus the intended consequences you need, you get to think about all of the actions that need to take place, you get to vet partners, if that if other people including this, you get to vet people, right that people who are going to be included in whatever you’re about to do, you get to allow them to have buy in on the plan, you allow them an opportunity to come and join and actually buy into the vision or whatever you’re about to do.

And this is a principle for everything. Like if you’re going to move, like taking the time before moving to plan out how you’re going to pack up your rooms, how you’re going to box everything, where you’re getting your truck for, because the worst time to do it is when you now are outside of timing. And Here’s how I think life operates. Life operates in decency, and in order whether you want it to or not. And What that means is there’s a right time in a right place for everything. Right, there’s a right place to sleep and a right time to sleep. And there’s a wrong place to sleep and a wrong time to sleep. There’s a right time to eat, there’s a right time to laugh, there’s right time to cry, all these things. So it’s timing.

And when you operate outside those boundaries, when you operate, operate outside that natural flow in life, you have pain and friction, and then you normally have chaos come out of it. And so if you think about it, on move out day, you just sold your house, you didn’t plan upfront, and all of a sudden, you got to figure out where you’re getting a truck from, or moving company from. And it’s the day of, you’re going to be pressured. And then at that point, you will take the first moving company that you can get ahold of on the phone. And so you don’t care about price. So you actually pay for it monetarily, you also pay for it with peace, you also pay for it with other other unintended consequences along the way. And I won’t go into them, because that’s not the point.

But the point of this is to begin operating in time in the right time and having good timing. And that is takes recognition of oh, What type of moment am i I’m in a planning moment. I’m in a pre work moment. And What that means is I am doing the work upfront that needs to be done to actually complete the job or task ahead of me now. And that’s What the opportunity in my life currently is. The worst place to be is when you’ve skipped all that. And now you just have to make a decision. And you’re going to walk through the first door that opens because life is on fire.

And those are some of the worst decisions personally I’ve ever made, where I have skipped the upfront work and miss those opportunities in life and in timing, simply because I was not disciplined enough to do it. I did not make myself do it right? And discipline is a choice. And then the other thing is out of ignorance. So it is I’m just explaining this concept because I think it is something that’s really lost. It’s lost a lot in life. Oh, cool. It just happens. And whatever happens happens. True. But I’m also responsible for my portion of life. I’m also responsible for how my life turns out and timing is a huge piece of this.

Most times when you listen to success, oftentimes it’s people being in the right place at the right time because they’ve done the right work upfront. And then that leads them into success later on. That leads them into success and whatever opportunity or moment they’ve put in.

It’s the same thing with professional sports players. I was like, Oh, it must be easy to be them. They have hundreds of 1000s of hours of work and discipline with pre front work before they win the Super Bowl or the World Cup or whatever event it is they pre worked 1000s of hours upfront, in middle school, in high school, wherever to have that one moment and that’s really how life works.

So anyways, the point is this is very important to understand where you’re at and timing and then do the work that is required in that moment of timing because move day should just literally be about moving and not finding a moving company.

Anyways guys, I’m way over. I’ll catch you later peace

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