Ep. 403 – Setting True Goals


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy
Hey what’s up, everybody, welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. And so today guys, I want to talk about really setting goals in measurement. And I’m going to talk about how, honestly, if you do not have measurement attached to your goal, you have fake goals. And I’ll explain that once we get kind of through some of the things first.

So, first, you are not going to move through life without actually setting real goals. And real goals are something that are measurable. And so in other words, a real goal looks like this, okay, I want to have all of my processes for this offering, let’s just say it’s Facebook ads, or let’s just say it’s for, let’s not even do digital, let’s go in construction, right, I want to have all of my processes mapped out, for plumbing. And for home service rep to run through a checklist to do a home inspection, right for all their plumbing services, I want to have it all mapped out how they interact with the client, the whole customer journey for that experience when they show up at the home, to doing the work to leaving all of it done and completed by the end of December 2024.

How do we measure that? Cool, this is how we’re going to measure it. We have all processes for tools in the checklist run through tools for equipment, all the processes for discovery call, understanding What the client needs, all the processes for our language with how we converse with the client, how we interact with them, all the processes for cleanup in their clean checklist, right. And then I want to have all the processes for closing out and for leaving the property. And then for follow up for reviews or whatever it is. And each process is broken down. And then it’s measurable. There’s 10 for the checklist, there’s 10, for discovery, there’s chin for doing the work on the property, there’s 11 for leaving the property and closing out and finishing the job. And then you can actually count the processes that are done, you can actually count how many you need to finish building out that service or that offering. And that is a goal.

And a goal has two things attached to it always timeline, how long until it’s done, right? And then a way to count and measure. Right? So it’s like cool, I want to self improve. Here’s another example of goal, I want to self improve. And I want to become more educated in money. Okay, so what’s my timeline for that? It is the end of July now. And by the time this comes out, probably somewhere, you know, towards close towards the end of July. But it’s the end of July. So I want to become more well versed in money. I’m going to read five books, and listen to 10 Different TED talks about money by December 1st. And I’m going to listen to him through a week. And then you have a checklist, all this stuff, I’m going to listen to my 10 TED Talks first one a week, go through that, or whatever. And then on the side of that, I’m going to be reading my five books. Here’s the five books I picked out. And now you have an actual finite number, you can count five books, and 10 TED talks to measure that goal in the completion of the goal. And you have a timeline.

Here’s the thing about timelines with goals. You cannot measure failure without timeline. So how do you know if you’ve achieved your goals or if you failed and setting your goals and in my experience, a lot of people do not attach timelines to goals, they don’t want to because when you attach timeline to goal, now you’re all of a sudden forced to look to see if you’ve been successful. And if you’ve actually succeeded in that area. And if you succeeded at achieving that goal, or if you failed, it’s the same thing with measuring.

A lot of people do not want to make goals practical and practical to measure because I don’t want to see if I’m going to fail. It’s interesting, how often and how adverse we are to have seen failure, whereas failure actually shows you where to improve. If you want to know most next steps in your life, you can look at failures, and figure out the next steps you need to take in order to move forward to go in the direction you want to go.

And it’s really interesting when we set goals, or when we set deadlines, that we’re afraid of that because we don’t want to actually look to see whether we’ve succeeded or whether we failed. Now the thing is about goals too is I don’t personally believe there’s any such thing as a real goal without timeline attached to it. And without measurability you’re not going to be able to actually have a real goal, in my opinion without those two aspects. So if you don’t actually set a deadline, and if you don’t actually say this is how we’re going to measure success or failure. You do not have a real goal.

And so if you want to look to see if you got fake goals in your life, it’s like cool yeah, my fake goal I’m just gonna buy a house one day of my life. Okay, when How are you counting to get there? Measuring is so important, crucial to afford in life measurement, I think is also one of the most overlooked and underrated aspects about building and creating and just moving through life in general.

So anyways guys, that’s it for today. I’ll catch you later peace

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