Ep. 404 – The Game of Life: Infinite vs. Finite


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody, welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So today guys, I’m actually going to talk about something that I’ve learned from Simon Sinek. I learned several years ago, he did a podcast or show we’ve not even a podcast is one of his public speaking events. But he was talking about the finite verse infinite game. And it’s super interesting too, because it actually really changed my perspective a lot in how I just view how the life works, and the world works. And if you got the time, I encourage you actually go listen to it, you can look up finite verse infinite game by Simon Sinek, something will probably pop up.

And What was interesting about it, and how how it changed things for me personally was this. It was really actually recognizing and seeing that there are always two types of work. And two types of games that we are participating in as people. And What I mean is this, Simon Sinek defines a finite game as somebody who is playing a game that has preset boundaries, preset rules, a measurement system for how to win or lose, that all parties agree upon. And an infinite game is something that is not really measurable, in order to win.

So there’s no set rule to say, hey, once I reach this many points, I win at the game, an infinite game is something that involves continual improvement. And it was super interesting to me, because I’m personally a big believer in continual improvement, like improvement does not just stop, if you really want to move forward in life, you’re constantly growing, changing, and becoming better in life, right? There is a whole aspect of the way that we’re built, that we’re really made to bear fruit. And we’re really made to grow and change.

And so thinking about this was very interesting and also seeing this, it, it really helped me see where things in business break, because we take infinite infinite game, such as relationship, right? If I want to have good relationships, I’m can’t keep score between my friends for who paid for What who’s doing better who’s doing this, that’s, that’s not what’s going to happen. That’s a finite game. And we’re going to compete for who wins that it doesn’t work, it breaks. But looking at that, looking at life and relationships that way, really helped change a lot of things because it went from, oh, wow, it just helped give boundaries and define things that felt natural to me. So the relationship side was, wow, yeah, I just continue to want to be a person that people want to be around, that adds value to people’s life, I want to be respectful, I want to be honorable, I want to be a trustworthy person, I want to do all these things become this person, right? And then that’s a continual journey. It’s not just hey, I’ve won now, because, you know, I’ve bought lunch for people three times.

It’s not that and then you have the finite game, which is, hey, I’m measuring all the things I need to measure, right, I need like money’s very finite, it is very countable. It is I have my my rules for like, cool, I’m not gonna go negative, and we’re gonna do this. And then once I reach goals, there’s goals, right? It’s the same thing with my calories, right? eating calories, and achieving that predefined game. upfront, I can win it that however, the finite always leads into the infinite. So for me, eating healthy, and taking care of myself and loving myself is part of playing the infinite game. It is a part of changing who I am, in a part of me loving myself, and being a good husband and a good friend to people, a good business partner. It is a part of that. But it’s a finite piece, because every day, it’s like cool, Here’s my measured, finite number that I’m playing by.

And so if you look though, most things in life break, because people will take the infinite game like relationships, and it will break because people start keeping score. And if you’ve ever kept score, if you’ve ever known somebody who’s kept score within a relationship, it breaks all across the board. This is how partnerships break. Right? This is exactly one of the main reasons why partnerships fall apart. Greed is one of the most toxic and corrosive attributes, negative attributes that a person could have greed corrodes everything and erodes everything.

And you look at that. And then when you’re playing a finite game of cool, who’s making the most money, who has the most money, who’s winning more and then you start valuing money or finite things over an infinite thing such as relationship, you value money more than relationships, you’re going to break long term and it’s inevitable to happen, whether it’s in a business partnership, whether it’s in a marriage, whether it’s in a friendship, it does not matter. And even if it’s just within your personal relationship with yourself, you value things that are finite, over the infinite you’ll watch stuff break.

So anyways guys that’s it for today’s episode, and I hope y’all have a great day peace

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