Ep. 407 – You Will Know What To Do Once You Start Moving


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. So recently I was told that a rant was a negative thing. And I am totally really, honestly socially unaware. And so if you’re listening to the show, and this doesn’t sound like What you’re expecting, like a negative rant for me to moan and gripe and complain, well, I hope you’re presently surprised.

Anyways, today, guys, I actually want to talk about how to find your next steps. So one of the things that Andrew and I learned in business, we have a rule of thumb, where if we ever feel stuck, or if we ever feel that we cannot move forward, we ship it. And Here’s why. Because it’s the current best version that you can do as your current self. And I’m not saying that you ship under Poor things. I’m not saying that you ship subprime products and things like this and stuff with defects. That’s not What I’m talking about.

I’m talking about while you’re building and creating, you don’t know how to make it better, cool, you ship it. And then you go before a QA meeting, or quality control assurance or whatever, whatever the process is, and then you’re going to see your next steps immediately. Because that’s as far as you get. Oftentimes, Andrew and I will have meetings just to ship things like, Hey, we’ve made this process in this infrastructure. This is as far as I’ve got so far, let’s ship it and the moment you ship it, you get sight on whatever the next steps are. And so here, Here’s a principle that came out of this over the years,

You will know What to do. Once you start moving, you’re going to know What to do. Once you start moving, you will know the next steps you need to take, you’re going to know how the journey will look. You’re going to know What needs to be fixed, you’ll be able to identify areas that are broken and need to improve. However, What inhibits that from happening is when you do not have movement.

A good analogy of this a good analogy, this would be a road trip. Let’s just say you live somewhere in Tennessee, and you’re trying to go to the Florida Keys, and you’ve never been before. And you’re going to drive. Well you plan the whole map, you plan out the whole trip on a map in my days growing up, you’d have an atlas and you’d highlight all the highways are going down, right. And you would do that. And then once you do that, the only next step is to ship the plan in the map, pack your bag and leave. That’s it, you’re never going to know What the road is going to look like, you’re not going to know What traffic is going to look like. You’re not going to know What all the destinations to eat or for bathroom breaks are going to look like you don’t know where they are on the exits, you’re not going to know the next steps until you actually just leave the house. And once you leave the house, and you begin driving, you get to see all the scenery, you get to see the gas stations, you’ll figure out when your gas is low, because you’ll have the measurement, the gauge sitting there, right.

And it’s interesting because this principle, I know it may be disconnected for some of you. But this principle is how all of life operates. If you want to know the next steps, cool, just ship it you feel stuck in your life is because you’re not shipping something that you should you feel stuck in an area of life. It’s because you’re not doing something that you should you’re not shipping something and just saying cool. It’s good enough, let me go. And it’s interesting, because oftentimes, the reason why we don’t ship why we’re not moving forward. And why we don’t just try and do things is because of arrogance, or fear. There’s a lot of fear. But the thing about fear is it normally comes from I don’t want to look bad, or I don’t want to make a mistake.

And Here’s the crazy thing about mistakes. Most mistakes are very undoable, like cool, you make a bad decision. It doesn’t have to be world ending. It does not have to be a world ending if you have the humility to acknowledge, oh, I’ve made a bad decision. What makes world any bad decisions is when you’re stuck in arrogance. And you’re stuck in pride and can’t admit that you’re wrong. won’t admit that you’re wrong. And now you stay the course to prove that you’re right and not wrong. And then that is actually normally how world ending mistakes are made. And I’m air quoting world ending.

And so if you take that and see that most mistakes are undoable, you take a wrong turn. Okay, you can U turn cool. You say the wrong thing. Cool. You leave the job and you shouldn’t have Okay, cool. Yeah, you may not be able to get that exact job back. But you know What, you can go min relationships if you need to. Right? You can go talk to your old colleagues and boss and talk to him about stuff. I don’t know. The point is, is if you are looking to move forward in life, and you just feel stuck, not going to do something, just take the leap.

It’s interesting because when things feel the hardest or the scariest to do, that’s normally the time to do them. And it’s normally the right direction. Interestingly enough, otherwise, you’re going to stay who you are and you’re going to stay stuck in the same position where you’re at.

Anyways, want to find out your next steps? Just do it just start moving. Just ship. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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